From Oakland Continental Club
December 6th, 8PM ish -11 PMish
21+ dont bring your fucking kids
Our birthday is April, but we celebrate in December! Welcome to the annual ENTERTANIA

Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden FannyPacks Championship:
Kenny K v Champion KEiTA
Kenny K went almost a year as champion, but all good things come to an end. Though he won it under dubious pretenses, KEiTA was able to become champion in his first match back. Was it a fluke, or is he a certified Kenny killer?

MacDaddy MYLO v Glampion Mighty Mayra – formerly First Matey Mighty Mayra from the crew of Captain MYLO, now she stands tall as GLAMpion! But, the former Captain seeks revenge as [the once again MacDaddy] MYLO challenges her old stablemate and tries to take her title

Fatal Four Way InterGalactic Tag Team Championship:
MxM Mansoor & Mason defend vs Stoner Brothers v EMOHeads D-Torch & EMO Rob v Anton Voorhees/Richard Shhhnary
The MxM had a strategy: attack all of Mansoor’s old friends, knock out Referee Wiggles, and count themselves the victors with his unconscious hand slapping the mat- and it worked! They’re the champions of tag team wrestling across multiple galaxies, chosen defenders against the Walking Phoenix. But before any of that comes up, it’s boss rush time as they face every team they beat on the way to the top in the same match.

To determine who holds the Golden GiG:
Allysin Kay v She Who Holds the Golden GiG Vipress
Allysin Kay was the secret paramour of Golden GiG holder Vipress. But, at the wedding of Sheik and Vipress, AK could keep it secret no longer. She interrupted and revealed that Vipress was not utterly faithful, forever dividing Vipress from Sheik. AK would then go on to win the Rumble of Ranking Ramifications, thus earning this shot at the Golden GiG at Entertania. She’s already taken her relationship away, will she take Vipress’s Championship, too?

Their Therapist Licences are on the line:
Grief Counselor Marco v Dr Von Eerie
After a year of trying to help us, we ended up getting them to fight each other. Well, not exactly. The therapy methods of Dr Von Eerie and Grief Counselor Marco are questionable at best. When Marco revealed that Dr Von Eerie had previously been a wrestler at Hoodslam, the Chief of Therapy sighted this as a conflict of interest. But before he could revoke her license, she outed him as one to engage in multiple matches, and revealed that he commonly keeps wrestling gear under his casual soothing clothing. The two came to terms: they would settle it in a wrestling match at ENTERTANIA
James C v Jaguar Montoya
We didn’t make art for this one, kinda a last minute addition. Jaguar was desperate to prove he belong in James new James Gang, but it was never enough. Perhaps he truly didn’t belong. Or maybe James never saw his potential. But after costing James and Lil Crush a tag match against the Stoner Brothers at EMO Prom, Jaguar made his new intentions clear: he wanted revenge!
Hosted by Jordan Castle, he’s uhhhhhh booked.
Maybe also but not definitely appearing: DARK Sheik, Lara Frazier, Chupacabra, JEFF, Brittany Wonder, Cereal Man
stay greasy hoodslammers, card subject to change or whatever
@hoodslam on socials // see our v1deo library on Triller TV//Fite + // birdswillfall.com
#THISISREAL #hoodslam