After fans voted Hoodslam wrestler DARK Sheik Khan Abadi the 2012 East Bay Express Best Athlete , (tied with Tim Thompson) this prestigious award became a defended championship that recognizes the finest athletic achievements in Hoodslam. Though it is specifically regional in title, it has been defended beyond the bay, in multiple states, and is not confined to a specific geographic location.
June 2012 – DARK Sheik is awarded by the readers of the East Bay Express 2012 Best Athlete in the East Bay and begins defending the award as a championship.
June 7th, 2013 – Virgil Flynn defeated DARK Sheik (w/D. Faust) with a 450 splash to become the new Best Athlete in the East Bay after cashing in his Kat Williams Memorial Lethal Lottery Battle Bowl Championship Trophy.
*after Virgil Flynn III defeated DARK Sheik, then mayor of Hoodslam El Flaco Loco replaced the award with Sheik’s name on it with the now iconic Golden Fannypacks.
June 6th, 2014 – F.O.N.G. (F’n Obese Nerdy Gamer w/P.O.N.G.) beat Drugz Bunny and Virgil Flynn III in a three-way match to become the new Best Athlete in the East Bay. Virgil hit the 450 splash on Drugz Bunny and made the cover. With señor official, El Sparko’s vision impaired due to a cocaine malfunction, when F.O.N.G. laid on top of Virgil, who was covering Drugz Bunny, El Sparko did not see Virgil underneath F.O.N.G. and counted the pinfall, awarding the match to F.O.N.G., ending Virgil Flynn III’s year-plus reign as Best Athlete in the East Bay.
* Fucking Obese Nerdy Gamer FONG would produce a second Golden Fannypack and award it to his partner in Team GAME OVER Pissed off Nerdy Gamer PONG, creating the Co-Holder of the Best Athlete in the Eastbay Golden Fannypacks scenario
February 6th, 2015 – March 6th 2015 – Link defeated FONG in a singles match to attain one Golden Fannypack. He would lose a follow up match with PONG to attain both, and this reign is not considered official, though worthy of note.
June 5th , 2015 – Ultragirl Brittany Wonder defeated Fucking Obese Nerdy Gamer FONG to win both Golden Fannypacks
June 3rd, 2016 – The CAUTION “The Talent” Ean Hancement and DARK Sheik cashed in the Butternuts Memorial Lethal Lottery Trophy to defeat Brittany Wonder in a two on one handicap match after she had already wrestled.
* The CAUTION would team with third member “Link to the Future” Anton Voorhees in defending, thus including him in their reign
January 6th, 2017 – Coach Joey Nuggs, Brutal Rob Hands and Pizza Cat Shotzi Blackheart defeated The CAUTION Dark Sheik, Ean Hancement and Anton Voorhees for PizzaCat alone to become Best Athlete in the East Bat
February 3rd, 2017 – “Link to the Future” Anton Voorhees defeated Pizza Cat
May 4th, 2017 – “The Talent” Ean Hancement agree to relinquish the the championship to Brittany Wonder in a trade with Doc Atrocity that allowed Anton Voorhees to return from another dimension
May 22, 2017 – Batmanuel defeats Brittany Wonder in Sacramento, CA
June 2nd, 2017 – Brittany Wonder and Nurse Ratchet defeated Batmanuel and Cereal Man to make Brittany Wonder the sole Golden Fannypack Champion
July 29th, 2017 – Coach Joey Nuggs defeated Brittany Wonder in Knightsen, CA
*Coach Joey Nuggs would share the second Golden Fannypack with his protégé Brutal Rob Hands
October 20th, 2017 – Party Monster Anthony Butabi defeated Brutal Rob Hands in a deathmatch at Bloodslam.
* Coach Joey Nuggs would not relinquish his half of the Golden Fannypacks, and the two would defend them separately for a time, both considered Champions
January 5th, 2018 – (EVIL) Cereal Man defeated Anthony Butabi and Coach Joey Nuggs with help from Doc Atrocity, Brittany Wonder and Nurse Ratchet to become unified Best Athlete in the Eastbay Golden Fannypack Champion
June 1st, 2018 – Big B pinned Coach Joey Nuggs in a one fall match also featuring Corey Kreese, Brutal Rob Hands, Anthony Butabi and Hollywood Cereal Man
January 4th, 2019 – Richard Shhhnary defeated Big B
February 15th, 2019 – Big B defeated Richard Shhhnary
April 5th, 2019 – Richard Shhhnary defeated Big B
August 2nd, 2019 – Sweet Boone defeats Richard Shhhnary and Hidden Gem Matt Carlos in a triple threat match
October 4th, 2019 – Hidden Gem Matt Carlos defeats Sweet Boone in an I Quit Match
January 3rd, 2020 – D-Rogue defeats Matt Carlos
May 14th, 2022 – SUGE D defeats D-Rogue
June 3rd, 2022 – JTG (Jay Tha Gawd) pinned Sugar Dunkerton in a six person tag featuring CREEP SQUAD (JTG/ Ashton Starr/ Brittany Wonder w/Faye Jackson) v WHOLESOME GANG (Sugar Dunkerton/ D-Rogue/ Trish Adora) in which if Sugar was pinned he would lose the Championship
May 5th, 2023 – Allie Katch and MacDaddy M Y L O both pin JTG at the same time in a fourway match also featuring BART-Man. Referee Nuk Nuk Johnson declared them each Best Athlete in the East Bay.
May 27th, 2023 – Allie Katch defeats M Y L O to unify the Best Athlete in the East Bay GoldenFannypacks Championship
July 7th, 2023 – MacDaddy M Y L O defeats Allie Katch

September 1st, 2023 – Sawyer Wreck defeated MacDaddy M Y L O and Brooke Havok in a triple threat match
October 20th, 2023 – DARK Sheik defeated Sawyer Wreck
November 3rd, 2023 – Kenny K defeated DARK Sheik
September 6th, 2024 – KEiTA defeats Kenny K

December 6th, 2024 – Kenny K defeats KEiTA