Category Archives: Results

results: GLAM – Down the Rabbit Hole 5/10/19


Okay, we are boarding that door up!

Where to begin? I guess at the beginning. The night started off simple enough. We had a Stoner U showcase match where Rick Scott Stoner defeated BARTman.

Then Oinga Boinga welcomed the Oakland Metro Operahouse to GLAM – Down the Rabbit Hole and brought out our host The LINK to the Future Anton Voorhees to give us all a recap of the first 5 months of this crazy GLAM adventure. From women to men to Dragon Ball to childbirth to proposals to doors to other worlds… we’ve done a lot in just 5 months.

But down to business!

Vulcana Pro Wrestler def The Great Bambina after turning the canvas to lava and power bombing her onto it.

Lisa Lace / Shakira Spears and the rest of the Intergalactic Tag Team Champions, Da Squaaaaaaaaaad came out and called out Viva Van. Viva then let them know she found herself a partner… the biggest and baddest she could find, Brutal Rob Hands. However, the numbers game was still too great and Da Squaaaaaaaaaad won the match against Viva and Brutal Rob.

Buggy Nova and her son Charles Montgomery Nova came out to face Simone Sherie. Little Chucky ended up getting involved in the match and took a superplex off the top rope which brought out his OTHER mother Nurse Ratchet. With a brief break of focus Simone was able to roll up Buggy for the win.
After the match Buggy took Ratchet’s arrival to mean that the undead medical professional accepted her proposal and they shared an embrace… and then Ratchet left her again. Family is hard.

Heather Monroe came out for her debate with her usual disinterested attitude ready to “get this over with” but was adamant that Aleyah Mia Garcia was not to officiate it. So we let the fans decide. Out came Lady K ( Katarina Leigh Waters ) now in possession of BOTH the #SunKey and #MoonKey since they were left in the Sun/Moon Door after the last show. The Debate was on. Heather made some convincing arguments about why everything GLAM has done has been stupid and unprofessional and “not real” but the fans didnt seem to buy in. Lady K then made very good counter points about how GLAM itself was a world of fantasy and endless possibilities that were all very much real. Fans sided with Lady K (Shocker) and Lady K wins the debate.
Afterward Lady K informs us of her desire to open the door but needs a partner to unlock it with her. Heather suddenly seemed all too excited to be a part of the plan and gladly took one of the keys. When suddenly a wild Trish Adora appeared through the door! Trish looks somewhat terrified by her journey and tells us all we cant go in the door and we need to lock it. Lady K takes exception to this and hands Heather the other Key to argue with Trish… and Heather seemed very very delighted to have both keys.
And then a match happened!

Heather Monroe defeated Trish Adora and Lady K to now be the Sole Owner of the Sun and Moon Keys!
And then she just left… didnt go through the door but left it unlocked. Unnerving.

Main Event Time!
The Villainess Vipress def ‘Ultra Girl’ Brittany Wonder in the craziest turn of events so far. Just when it seemed Britt had the match won the Sun/Moon Door opened and out stepped a mysterious woman. She entered the ring and force pushed Brittany across the ring. She then seemed to… Possess? Empower? Brainwash? Vipress and Vipress damn near took Brittany’s head off with a kick to the skull.

And they did not leave back through that door. Whoever that powerful entity was, she is now here with us to stay and she has Vipress on her side.

What will happen next???

Come next month and find out!

Watch the whole event and all our past ones at the Hoodslam youtube or twitch page!

@glamxoak on facebook,twitter,instagram





results: ALL HIGH AND MIGHTY – Hoodslam 4/20/19

Hosted by Link to the Future Anton Voorhees from Eureka Municipal Auditorium

1. Richard Shhhnary defeated Glorious Banana to retain the Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fannypacks

2. El Chupacabra defeated DARK Sheik and Juice Lee in a Triple Threat Match

3. Otis the Gimp and Devil Derek Drexl fought to a no contest after making out and waving dildos around

4. The Stoner Brothers defeated Calvin and Hobbes

5. Sensei Joey Nuggs defeated Big Baby Powder in a Joey Nuggs Open Challenge to remain the man who holds the Golden Gig

6. FunnyBone defeated James C


youtube it!  Twitch it!  We’re @hoodslam, bestest pals

results: Lethal Lottery #9 – Hoodslam 4/19/19

hosted by Broseph Joe Brody at the Oakland Metro Operahouse

All Lethal Lottery matches consist of ranndomly drawn teams facing each other.  The winners go on to the Memorial Trophy Battle Royal.  Whoever wins can then dedicate the cup to whatever they like, and gains the right of anyone match with any Hoodslammer at any show.

1. Matt Carlos and DARK Sheik defeated Richard Shhhnary and FunnyBone

2. El Chupacabra and Hip Hop Harry defeated BatManuel and Anton Voorhees

3. Royce Isaacs and Steven Tresario defeated Scott Rick Stoner and Boone Ashlock

4. Johnny Drinko Butabi and Derek Drexl defeated Big B and Berkeley Brawler

5. Rick Scott Stoner and Brutal Rob Hands defeated Otis the Gimp and Brittany Wonder & Kenny K and HBKen in a triple threat match


6. Coach Joey Nuggs defeated Glorious Banana to remain the man who holds the Golden Gig

7. El Chupacabra won a 10 Entity Battle Royal to win the Lethal Lottery Battlebowl Tournament and named his prize the Virgil Flynn III Memorial Trophy


Catch it on


its up


results: 4/12/19 GLAM – Behind Closed Doors


If a question is answered by another question, it was still answered… technically…

GLAM – Behind Closed Doors opens up with the GLAM band Oinga Boinga playing out our host The LINK to the Future Anton Voorhees.
He speaks about the difficulty smuggling an entire door to the Oakland Metro Operahouse but it is here! The Sun and Moon Door! And tonight it will be opened!

But first we have matches.

‘Ultra Girl’ Brittany Wonder def Heather Monroe in a match that was full of rope walking, forearms shots, and so many butts to faces. The match ended when referee Aleyah Mia Garcia accidentally got in Heather’s way and in an brief moment of lost focus Brittany took advantage with a quick pinfall.
After match Heather showed her frustrations by getting in the face of the referee and then slamming her down by the hair. #rude

Simone Sherie def Nurse Ratchet in a match involving almost every dismembered body part you could think of. During the match Buggy Nova came out to… Show her support of the reanimated medical professional? But once Simone turned a syringe back on Nurse Ratchet it was goodnight nurse.
After the match Buggy explained the the DNA results were in and Nurse Ratchet is the Co Mother of Baby Chucky and Buggy wants to start a traditional, 2 mother family to raise their child… AND SHE PROPOSED! Luckily Anton is real life Ordained Minister and we have a wedding on our hands!!!!!! Except Nurse Ratchet ran away before saying “I do” … #RunawayCorpseBride

But the show must go on!
Buggy Nova def Vulcana Pro Wrestler proving that love can conquer all… including a volcano.

Lisa Lace / Shakira Spears def The Great Bambina and Viva Van in a triple threat match after Hip Hop Harry got involved and held Viva back from the action.
Harry then got on the Mic and mocked Anton and The CAUTION ‘s loss of the Intergalactic tag team Championship and Ean Hancement (RIP Space Ean) but that didn’t sit too well with the new number one contenders and out came The Stoner Bros!

Rick Scott Stoner def Hip Hop Harry in an impromptu, and our first official men’s match at GLAM.

And then it was time!
The Door Opening Ceremony!
The owner of #TheSunKey Lady K ( Katarina Leigh Waters ) came out first.
The owner of #TheMoonKey Trish Adora came out next.
Lady K inserts the Sun Key into The Sun Lock and unlocks it.
Trish then inserts the Moon Key into The Moon Lock…. but… it doesn’t fit?
Lady K grabs the Mic and says this was supposed to be the greatest moment in time and it’s been ruined because Trish doesn’t believe! And a fight begins!!

Back and forth action but a new enraged side of Lady K comes out as she berates Trish for her lack of faith in the Door. Both women are physically exhausted and out came a very disgruntled Heather Monroe. She gets a Mic and angrily asks why anyone is putting up with this nonsense. Then she let’s out the dreaded F word and calls this whole ceremony….. FAKE! Which did not sit well with our GLAM Fans at all. A defining “This is Real” chant breaks out and Heather KNOCKS THE DOOR OVER and leaves!!! Trish sees this and a new fire seems to burn within her. (Maybe she saw what a jerk Heather was with her lack of belief)

Trish Adora def Lady K viva submission to the Victory Trap.

Trish then takes the Moon Key and unlocks the fallen door! It opens (now looking like a storm cellar door) and Trish jumped down into it…. And dissapeared!!!! Lady K then tries to follow her but the door seemed to lock itself and Lady K is left, Heartbroken and weary at the stoop of the door.

Where did Trish go??? What’s in the door? When will we know???

Find out next month when GLAM presents Down the Rabbit Hole

see the show at




results – 4/5/19 ENTERTANIA 9, Hoodslam

The 9 year anniversary!  Hosted by Broseph Joe Brody and the Hoodslam Band

– Stoner U Preshow Entertania Excess panel featured Broseph, Scott Rickerson, Otis the Gimp and Ambassador Druscilla recapping the matches and also interviewing Link to the Future Anton Voorhees and Coach Joey Nuggs about their upcoming battles


1. Richard Shhhnary defeated Big B to become the new Best Athlete in the East Bay

2. Cereal Man defeated Berkeley Brawler

3. Da Squaad (D Rouge, Kenny K & Shakira Spears with Hip Hop Harry) defeated The CAUTION (Anton Voorhees, DARK Sheik and Boone with Ean Hancement) to become the new Intergalactic Tag Team Champions

– post match, Ean Hancement sacrificed himself on behalf of The CAUTION, who had been forced to choose a member to go with Ambassador Druscilla for lethal reeducation on the topic of interdimensional travel

4. Juice Lee defeated James C

5. The Stoner Brothers (Scott Rick and Rick Scott Stoner) defeated Steven Tresario and Johnny Drinko Butabi

6. Mexican Werewolf El Chupacabra defeated FunnyBone

7. Coach Joey Nuggs defeated Hidden Gem Matt Carlos, Hip Hop Harry and Brutal Rob Hands (who replaced the injured Drugz Bunny) to remain The Man Who Holds the Golden Gig


watch it on youtube here

watch it on twitch there


results – 3/29/19 Get Your Ass to Mars, Sexy Good Time Wrestle Show


**Hoodslam + ArnoCorps: Sexy Good Time Wrestle Show – GET YOUR ASS TO MARCH RESULTS***

ArnoCorps stormed the stage after “Long Tall Sally” by Little Richard played

ArnoCorps intro
Scavenger Hunt (new song!)

Broseph Joe Brody introduced himself as RamBRO and was joined by Wonder Dave as Detective John Kimble from Kindergarten Cop, accompanied by a bunch of annoying kindergarteners who were quickly reminded of one of Hoodslam‘s few, but crucially important rules and were promptly ejected from the Oakland Metro Operahouse.

Your referees for the evening were young John Connor, Nuk Norris, and Wiggles.

Triple threat match – ArnoNuggs def. Mr. Freeze & Conan the Librarian

John McClain def. Steven Beagal

I’m Ballsy
You Lack Discipline (featuring a jumping jacks challenge)
Dead Lift (new song!)

Boxing vs. kickboxing match: Rocky Balboa def. Frank Dux

T-100 Terminator def. Bruce Lee

Conan the Destroyer
Pumping Iron (featuring a fan pose-down contest)
Rise of the Machines

Contortion performance from Natalie Rhae as T-1000

Main event:
A one-on-one match featuring the Predator vs. “Escape From New York” Snake Plissken turned into a tag team match when “Escape from LA” Snake Plissken and another Predator joined the match. The two Predators def. the two Snakes.

Encore: Last Action Hero

Wanna see it for yourself?
Watch it on Twitch at
Follow on Twitter and Instagram, both @SexyGoodTimeFTF

#SexyGoodTime #ArnoCorps

results: Hoodslam – Moonsault Sonata 3/22/19

At the Oakland Metro Operahouse

STONER U DOJO preshow hosted by Scott Rickerson and Nuk Nuk Johnson

– Kal Jack defeated Banana

HOODSLAM hosted by Broseph Joe Brody and Link to the Future Anton Voorhees

1. HBKen defeated Berkeley Brawler

2. Hip Hop Harry v Coach Joey Nuggs was ruled a no contest

3. The Stoner Brothers and Steven Tresario/Johnny Butabi both won a triple threat also including Brutal Rob Hands and Boone to determine Number One Contenders to the Tag Team Championship

4. Shakira Spears defeatedDARK Sheik

5. Kenny K defeated El Chupacabra

6.  Big B/Drugz Bunny/Juiced Lee defeated Richard Shhhnary/Matt Carlos/James C


Watch the whole event free right here right meow

Watch hoodslam live every friday at

results: GLAM – Deadly Alliance 3/8/19

3/8/19 from Oakland Metro Operahouse

Hosted by Link to the Future Anton Voorhees

Live music by Oinga Boinga


Deadly Alliance Tag Match:

1. Trish Adora/Heather Monroe defeated Viva Van/Shakira Spears (w/hip hop Harry) to proceed to the main event after Shakira Spears refused to tag in and she was double teamed.

2. Vulcana defeated The Vipress

3. Holder of the Sun Key Lady K defeated DARK Sheik

4. Desiderata defeated Great Bambina

5. Trish Adora defeated Heather Monroe to win the Deadly Alliance and become Holder of the Moon Key


Heres an dazzling highlight reel by Mark Johnston!


Watch the whole thing here on youtube or



Pre show hosted by Scott Rickerson and Nuk Nuk Johnson


1. Richard Shhhnary defeated Marcelo

2. Big B defeated Manny Mars to retain the Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fannypacks


Hoodslam hosted by Broseph Joe Brody and Hoodslam band

1. Funnybone and James C defeated El Chupacabra and Juice Lee

2. Coach Nuggs defeated Hip Hop Harry, Drugz Bunny and Matt Carlos to become Golden Gig Champion

3. The CAUTION (DARK Sheik and Anton Voorhees) defeated Da Squaaaad( D Rogue and Kenny K) to retain the Intergalactic Tag Team Championship

4. Brutal Rob Hands defeated Boone

5. The Stoner Brothers Scott Rick and Rick Scott Stoner defeated Woah Woah Dojo members Kal Jack and HBKen

6. Johnny Butabi defeated Cereal Man

7. Shakira Spears (w/Da Squaaaaad) defeated Joey Ryan


watch it on youtube

watch it on twitch

watch ya mouth when jerome in da house



results: FEMMED OUT 2/22/19 -Sexy Good Time Wrestle Show


Hosted by Brosie the Riveter and Wonder Dave dressed as “Fully Loaded” Sable


1. Guardians of the Galaxy Gamora and Nebula defeated CJay Parker of Baywatch and Little Red Riding Hood

2. WATTSuka defeated Bailey’s

3. Betty White defeated Whoopie Goldberg, Ruby Riot and Dark Phoenix in a fatal fourway

4. Hillary Clinton defeated Alexandria Cortez and Ruth Bader Ginsburg

5.  Ricky Lake and Sally Jesse Raphael defeated the One Percent

6. Shakira Spears defeated Simone Sheri


watch it online right meow!

here on youtube

here on twitch