Category Archives: Results

results: Chasing Waterfalls 2/24/2020 Hoodslam

Hosted by Broseph Joe Brody

1. Big Leaguer Johnny Butabi defeated Darwin Finch

2. Da Squaaad (Hip Hop Harry and Kenny K) defeated DARK Sheik and Juice Lee to win the Intergalactic Tag Team Championship

– Post match, DARK Sheik and Juice Lee split as a team and agreed to fight at Entertania

3. Thicc Martel defeated James C and Richard Shhhnary

4. El Chupacabra defeated Anthony Butabi to retain the Golden Gig, post match both competitors fought off Da Squaad who had interfered

5. D- Rogue defeated Funnybone to retain the Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fannypacks after Da Squaaad interfered

6. Bart-Man and Steven Tresario defeated Stoner Brothers Scott Rick and Rick Scott Stoner & Whoa Whoa Dojo members HBKen and Sensei Joey Nuggs

results: GLAM – Steeled Hearts 2/14/2020

Hosted by Anton Voorhees and Brittney Wonder

1. Lady K defeated Viva Van to advance to the finals of the GLAMpionship Tournament

2. Buggy Nova with Nurse Ratchet and their son Charles Montgomery Nova defeated Bryn Thorne

  • Post Match, Nurse Ratchet proposed to Buggy Nova and the two became engaged

3. Heather Monroe defeated Thicc Martel

4. Vulcana defeated Mazzaratti

5. Vipress with her lifecoach St Synclair defeated Jamie Senegal

6. Lady K defeated DARK Sheik and Aleyah Sweets to become the first ever GLAMpion

7. D-Rogue defeated Holidead to retain the Best Athlete in the Easy Bay Golden Fannypacks

results: 2/7/20 Pareidolia – Hoodslam


Stoner U Pre show Made its return! Hosted by Scott Rickerson and Link to the Future and 1/3rd of THE CAUTION (CAUTION) Anton Voorhees

  1. Thicc Martel defeated Neil the Thrill
  2.  Brutal Rob Hands with James C defeated Great Bambina

Hoodslam hosted by Broseph Joe Brody and Johnny Drinko Butabi

  1. Mexican Werewolf and The Beast Who Holds the Golden Gig El Chupacabra defeated Kenny K to retain the Golden Gig
  2. Whoa Whoa Dojo Sensei Joey Nuggs and HBKen defeated Steven Tresario and El Bart-Man

James C and Brutal Rob Hands came to the ring and James C challenged Broseph Joe Brody to a match! Before Broseph could answer, Richard Shhhnary interrupted and asked both to sign a petition to ban Sour Boone from Hoodslam, but none would sign. Broseph would disagree to the match AND petition, and James C/Brutal Rob Hands made a hasty exit in hopes of avoiding having to sign shit.

3. Super Beast defeated Kal Jack

DARK Sheik and Anton Voorhees (The CAUTION…CAUTION) came to the ring, and Anton spoke to Sheik. Usually she would use this time to question Juice Lee and his intentions, but Anton made a suggestion of not seeing patterns where they may not be. With Sour Boone turning on The CAUTION after they ignored him and his dog little BJ being tormented (and the pup murdered) by Richard Shhhnary, and Anton Voorhees still being injured with a broken wrist from November 15th Stoner U, Juice Lee is the only friend DARK Sheik has. She agreed, and she shook hands with her partner in the Tag Team Championship.

Richard Shhhnary would interrupt and agree about the menace that is Boone. He implored them to sign his petition.

The Stoner Brothers entered. Scott Rick Stoner was happy to sign, as his “dead hand” gave him a vision of Shhhnary’s severed head, and he believes Shhhnary to be in danger.

Ruby Raze and Vipress would come to the stage – with soju – and state that they’d really like if they could just wrestle already, this segment is taking too long

4. DARK Sheik and Juice Lee defeated Stoner Brothers Scott Rick and Rick Scott Stoner & Vipress and Ruby Raze to retain the Intergalactic Tag Team Championship

5.FunnyBone defeated Holidead. Post match, Shhhnary tried to get them to sign his petition, but they bumped him up and destroyed it.

6. D-Rogue and Drugz Bunny fought to a draw and D-Rogue retained the Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fannypacks after interference from Da Squaaad was retorted by interference from El Chupacabra, Matt Carlos and reluctantly Johnny Drinko Butabi



results: 1/31/20 SPACESLAM – Sexy GoodTime Wrestle Show

HEY YOU CAN WATCH THE WHOLE SHOW SPOILER FREE AND FREE FREE RIGHT NOW ^^^^ also these aren’t really results, cuz …ftf

Hosted by Anton Voorhees as Captain Picard and Wonder Dave as NYAN CAT!


1. Ripley vs Predator

2. Bruce Willis in Armageddon v First Man in Space Yuri Gagarin

3. Space Ghost v Neil Degrasse Tyson

– Jet Noir dressed as Jordy Laforge but then took his close off

4. Lone Star v Space Cowboy

5. Da Shade as Da Star and Space CowboY v. ETERNITY-bone

results: 1/24/20 Hey Ive Always Wanted to Go to Hoodslam


Hosted by Broseph Joe Brody

The show began with HBKen trying to convince El Bart-Man to join the Whoa Whoa Dojo at a special introductory offer, but he declined.

1. Sensei Nuggs v El Bart-Man

Post match, Steven Tresario came to the ring and told El Bart-Man that he, much like him, just needed someone to believe in him, and that he appreciated Bart-Man.
2. FunnyBone defeated WATTS

Matt Carlos and D-Rogue, who’ve helped each other a lot in the past, agree to have a friendly match for the Championship, with no cheating or interference.

3. D-Rogue defeated Hidden Gem Matt Carlos to retain the Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fannypacks after Da Squaaad interfered.

DARK Sheik again tried to question her co holder of the Intergalactic Tag Team Championship Juice Lee, but were interrupted by The Stoner Brothers who correctly mentioned that the two had not defended the titles once since winning them in late November. In spite of the Da Squaaad being told they have the next shot, the Stoner Brothers wanted to cut in, and DARK Sheik and Juice Lee were inclined to agree.

4. DARK Sheik/Juice Lee v Stoner Brothers for Intergalactic Tag Team Championship ended in a draw when Da Squaaad attacked both teams and stole the Tag Team Championship Titles.

5. Simone Sherie defeated Thicc Martel

6. Richard Shhhnary v Brutal Rob Hands ended oddly. Scott Rick Stoner, still claiming to have seen a vision of torment for Brutal Rob Hands. After making physical contact with Brutal using his “dead hand”, he saw that Brutal would injure himself coming off the top rope. Seeing Brutal climb up, he ran to the ring to stop him. Brutal shoved him, and he accidentally touched Richard Shhhnary. Shocked, he told Shhhnary that he saw a vision of Shhhnary’s severed head – probably caused by the now Sour Boone. Shhhnary left the ring without a definitive fall ever happening.

James C and Brutal Rob Hands – perhaps confused by always on topic – let the fans know that its all the same to them because they are two unstoppable giants, and its the 20s again – their year! This brought out Da Squaaad, who kinda think its their year.

7. James C v Kenny K ended in a no contest after Da Squaaad, Juice Lee, DARK Sheik, Matt Carlos and Pooh Jack interfered. DARK Sheik and Juice Lee reclaimed their Intergalactic Tag Team Championship.

results: 1/10/2020 Full Circle – GLAM Anniversary


That’s how we do an anniversary show!

The night kicked off with The LINK to the Future Anton Voorhees welcoming the GLAMFANS to Full Circle.

He then informed everyone of the bittersweet news that Kathy Campanelli got a new opportunity in her career that she has needed to move across the country for. She will be missed.

But before he could get any further he was joined by the Killer Bae Heather Monroe who, somewhat uncharacteristically, came to help her friend get through the night and offered her commentary services alongside Anton. Neat!

Match 1- Simone Sherie vs ‘Ultra Girl’ Brittany Wonder
Simone came out and explained that while she accepts that she lost her spot in the GLAMpionship tournament, she didnt think the match was official, as she made it on the fly, so she considered herself still undefended at GLAM. Ultra Girl came out to do what she does best and it was quite a contest. At the end, Simone took her eyes of the prize and was rolled up into a pin giving her another blemish on her record.

Match 2 – Semifinal Match –
DARK Sheik vs Vulcana Pro Wrestler
This was quite the experience. Every time it seemed that Sheik had the upper hand, Vulcana would… well… wiggle? Gyrate? Some kind of mating ritual? Whatever the true purpose was, it did succeed at taking Sheik off her gameplan at times. However, eventually the current Intergalactic tag champ/WPW Midcard Champ hit a quick and devastating german suplex for the win.

Match 3 – Mazzerati – Shay the Fox Mazzato vs Danika Della Rouge
This match was off the charts excitement from bell to bell, but ultimately the Female with Attitude came up with a pinfall victory.

Match 4 – Brutal Rob Hands vs Thicc Martel
These two had issues coming into this match as it was Brutal Rob and his partner who injured the quadriceps of Martel a few months back. Thicc wanted redemption but after a choke slam off the top and then another in the center of the ring was too much for the Plus Sized Model.

Match 5 – Semifinal Match
Aleyah Mia Garcia vs Vipress w/ Saint Synclair
These two faught their hearts out and each almost had the win multiple times, but a mistake between Vipress and Synclair lead to Aleyah moving on in the tournament.

Match 6 – Best Athlete in the East Bay
D-Rogue vs Queen Estrella w/ Tia Mott
The opportunity at the golden fannypacks was on the line and Tia Mott came to answer. She said that it seems the after D-Rogue let Lady K out from beyond the Sun/Moon Door that he has become her Familiar. Well Tia Mott can play that game too. Out came Queen Estrella and she brought the fight to the champ. D-Rogue was thrown about and beaten down but the Best Athlete was able to land a flurry of offense and scored the win.

Main Event – Tag Match
Da Squaaad (Kenny K and Hip Hop Harry) vs Leslie Iris and Fidel Bravo
Fidel and Iris had something to prove against this well established team and they definitely proved they will be a formidable challenge to any team at GLAM. So much so that D-Rogue came back out to provide a little assistance to his team, allowing Da Squaaad to pick up the victory

Golly it was fun. Next month we come at you live on Valentine’s Day.
We’ll see the last Semi Final match between Lady K (Katarina Leigh Waters) and Viva Van
and find out which one of them will join in the Three Way Dance with DARK Sheik and Aleyah Mia Garcia for the GLAMpionship

We’ll also see the return of Holidead
The GLAM debut of Jamie Senegal!!!

Dont miss this!

results: “WET” 12/27/19 Sexy GoodTime Wrestle Show

Hosted by Gortons Fisherman Voorhees and Enchantment Wonder the Sea-Dave

1. Captain Jack Sparrow defeated Captian Morrigan and then stole his rum

2. DARK MerSheik defeated Plus Size Captain Hook Martel

3. BeachTime Drugz Bunny defeated StarrrrrFishDust

  • Captain Morrigan returned and threatened to shoot Enchantment Wonder the Sea-Dave if he didn’t get his rum back.  A Killer Whale emerged and offered him a drink, which killed him cuz it was poisoned and that whales a killer.

4. Aquaman defeated the Creature from the Black Lagoon

5. Gilligans Island defeated the Wet Bandits in a life raft match

– The Killer Whale returned and killed both Gilligan and Skipper.  Cuz he’s a killer. The planet was then defended by Ecco the Dolpheen

6. Echo the Dolpheen defeated the Killer Whale after pulling his soul out of his blow hole i guess, i dunno

results: Hoodslam 12/20/19 Missed Connections

Hosted by Broseph Joe Brody

  1. DARK Sheik defeated King of Dong Style Joey Ryan
  2. Golden Gig Champion El Chupacabra defeated Dashing Chris Bey
  • Johnny Drinko Butabi came to choose who’d he’d fight with his shot at any champion. He wished to fight Chupacabra, but after Matt Carlos attacked him two weeks ago his attention swayed. But Matt Carlos was not there at the time. HoodFighter Tournament winner and Champion D- Rogue interrupted, saying he gets the next shot at Matt Carlos’s Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fannypacks – a prize awarded him by winning the tournament. Then they fought

3. D- Rogue defeated Johnny Drinko Butabi after Da Squaaad interfered

4. James C defeated FunnyBone after Brutal Rob Hands interfered

5. Kenny K/ Shakira Spears/Hip Hop Harry of Da Squaaad defeated Santa Otis the Gimp and Stoner Brothers

6. Drugz Bunny defeated Sensei Joey Nuggs

results: GLAM 12/13/19 Ever Onward

Oh what a night! GLAM – Ever Onward! Opened with The LINK to the Future Anton Voorhees and Kathy Campanelli welcoming the GLAMily of fans in attendance and on Twitch and wasted little time kicking the show off.

Match 1 was a 2nd Round Tournament Match. DARK Sheik defeated the current Hoodfighter X champion D-Rogue in a spectacular matchup.

Out next was celebrity Life Coach Saint Synclair in an attempt to build his growing clientele. He offers the roster his managerial services and claims to have the ability to give the girls anything they want.
This brings out the debuting Danika Della Rouge to see if she could get into the GLAMpionship Tournament. Synclair says he could make that happen.
This brings out the returning Vulcana Pro Wrestler to see if she could ALSO get into the Tournament. Again Synclair says he could pull some strings if they both agree to sign with him.
THIS brings out Viva Van to tell Danika that she would be willing to put her spot in the tournament on the line in a match tonight!
And THIS brings out Simone Sherie to tell Viva that if anyone is going to prove their toughness and confidence in putting her spot on the line, it’s the Saucey Aussie and she puts her spot up against Vulcana.
Having sorted this all out amongst themselves, the girls decide they dont need Saint Synclair afterall.

Match 2! Viva Van successfully defends her spot in the tournament against Danika Della Rouge in what was possibly the most evenly matched bout in GLAM history.

Match 3 saw Heather Monroe come out and tell the world that after the Hoodslam in Vegas on Wednesday when Anton admitted that Heather is a great wrestler, she has decided to bury the hatchet and declared them to now be friends.
Out came Aleyah Mia Garcia to challenge Heather in a 2nd round match but Heather jumped her before the bell. Heather hit AMG with just about every move in her play book but the drive and desire of America’s SweetTart would not relent. Finally Heather pins AMG with feet on the ropes for added leverage but is caught by Referee Wiggles. As Heather argues with the ref Aleyah rolls her up in a pin with HER feet on the ropes and gets the 3 count!
Heather, however, grabs a mic and tells Anton that the victory should not count as Aleyah cheated. She claims that friendship is a two way street and Anton needs to prove that he is willing to do the right thing. Anton reluctantly agrees that it is only fair that AMG not be able to use the ropes if Heather wasn’t and the match is restarted.
But in a swift turn of events Aleyah is able to hit the Judea Star for the clean victory!

Match 4! Simone Sherie puts her spot on the line Against Vulcana. A hard hitting match followed but ultimately the Living Volcano scores the win and takes Simone’s place in the GLAMpionship Tournament!

Match 5 saw Hip Hop Harry say that he should get a chance to get back into the Tournament as all of Da Squaaaaaaaaaad has been knocked out of it.
But out came the plus size model Thicc Martel to tell Harry that they both lost fair and square. So not only is Harry delusional about getting back in, but also about having one leg!! Thicc claims that if we all believe that Harry has two legs, he will have two legs! (Not unlike the movie Hook)
They fight and Martel somehow coaches Harry to believe and Harry is able to kick the crap out of the thiccness with what seemed like his missing leg! However it then became Harry’s undoing as Thicc was able to lock up both legs in the dreaded Boston Market submission for the victory.
So… Harry may have lost the match but gained his belief in having 2 legs??

Match 6 was the final 2nd round match of the evening where Lady K Katarina Leigh Waters defeats Mazzerati – Shay the Fox Mazzato in match that was fierce, jaw dropping, and involving some dark magic from the beyond!

Dont miss next month when we continue this GLAMpionship Tournament and also celebrate our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF GLAM!!!!