A lot happened last show… lets catch you up…
- Anton Voorhees, Funnybone, Chupacabra, BatManuel and DARK Sheik have returned to this universe. However, this signaled the end of The CAUTION (CAUTION) as Anton wanted to Sheik to join, Ean Hancement liked that they had moved forward, and Sheik wanted to do something new. The Intergalactic Tag Team Championship has been vacated.
- BUT HAVING NO INTERGALACTIC TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS WOULD PUT OUR UNIVERSE IN DANGER, so a tournament is being held, The Top of the SkyDreamers Miracle eXstacy Tag Tournament 2018! Not a lot of details have been revealed, except that Stoner Brothers Scott Rick and Rick Scott have advanced, along with Otis the Gimp & Glorious Banana and Millennial Falcons Richard Shhhnary and Berkeley Brawler
- James C had attempted to defend his Best Friend (yet to be determined exactly who that is) by refereeing the main event Golden Gig defense by Juiced Lee v Drugz Bunny. His indecisiveness led to chaos, and both of his friends became frustrated and attacked him! Referee Wiggles, somehow in charge this night, ruled the match a no contest, and in an effort of conflict resolution offered that all three fight each other at the main event of #AMERICA on July 6th for the Golden Gig.
SPEAKING OF #AMERICA, it has been announced that along with that big time title match, we will see Kris Wolf debut vs. Shotzi Blackheart in a match made in Oakland!
- Sadly, or luckily, it’s unclear what state Doc Atrocity, Brittany Wonder and Hollywood Cereal Man will be in by #AMERICA. In May, their partner Nurse Ratchet dropped dead (er?) after a mysterious universal portal accident. Hollywood Cereal Man would go on to lose his Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fannypacks to Hayward Heater Big B, much credit due to the actions of his stablemate Doc Atrocity. The four of these called themselves the hood World order not too long ago, but only disorder has been apparent since.
- congratulations BIG B on becoming NEW BEST ATHLETE IN THE EAST BAY GOLDEN FANNYPACK CHAMPION. Buzz Buzz mfers.