Hoodslam: #America 2015 – Rock, Flag & Eagle RESULTS
Friday, July 3, 2015
Oakland Metro Opera House
Oakland, CA
Paid attendance: 563
Live commentary by “Broseph” Joe Brody.
Tonight’s musical guest was One If By Land, Two If By Semen.
1. The Knights of the Roxbury (Johnny “Drinko” Butabi and Anthony Butabi) def. “The Mexican Werewolf” El Chupacabra and “Big Ugly” JD Bishop.
2. Three-way tag team match: DARK Sheik & “The Talent” Ean Hancement def. Marty McFlux & Virgil Flynn III, and The Stoner Brothers (Rick-Scott Stoner & Scott-Rick Stoner, with Coach Joey Nuggs and Waterboy Bobby Burgerhands).
3. Gerudo Valley Street Fight: “The Hero of HIGHrule” Link def. Triple H, who replaced Paul London, who replaced PONG (Pissed Off Nerdy Gamer).
4. Triple threat match: “Super Barrio Brother” Jesus Kruze def. Ken (with Cammy and Cammy’s Ass) and “The Patron Saint of Filth” Christina von Eerie (with DARK Sheik).
5. Doc Atrocity def. Botchy the Clown.
6. Tag team match: Juiced Lee & James C. def. Bat Manuel & Cereal Man.
7. Best Athlete in the East Bay Award: “Ultragirl” Brittany Wonder (champion) def. Cheerleader Missy Hyasshit.
8. Golden Gig: Drugz Bunny (champion) def. “The Russian Lover” Zangief.
You can see this show, and every other Hoodslam ever recorded, by subscribing to the Hoodslam YouTube channel for $1.99/month.
Follow Hoodslam on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, all @hoodslam.
Hoodslam runs at the Oakland Metro Opera House every first Friday and will return on Friday, July 17 for Hoodslam: Ride of the Toon – Homage to Saturday Mornings. Get all the event details right here: https://www.facebook.com/events/496118373878264/
Hoodslam is a 21+ event. DON’T BRING YOUR FUCKING KIDS!