Hoodslam: Requiem of Galatea
Friday, November 6, 2015
Retro Oakland Metro Opera House
Oakland, CA
Paid attendance: 720
Live commentary by ‘Broseph” Joe Brody and P.O.N.G. (Pissed Off Nerdy Gamer).
Tonight’s musical guest was National Geocrackhead.
1. “Super Barrio Brother” Jesus Kruze def. Virgil Flynn III.
2. Tag-team match: Juiced Lee and James C def. “The Talent” Ean Hancement and DARK Sheik.
3. Best Athlete in the East Bay Award Golden Fannypacks: “Ultragirl” Brittany Wonder (champion) def. “The Patron Saint of Filth” Christina von Eerie.
4. Six-man tag-team match: Ryu, Ken, and Cereal Man def. The Stoner Brothers (Rick-Scott Stoner and Scott-Rick Stoner) and Super Nuggs thanks to interference by Green Man.
5. Four-way match: “The Mexican Werewolf” El Chupacabra def. “The Hero of HIGHrule” Link, “The Russian Lover” Zangief, and Anthony Butabi.
6. Food fight: The PB&J Banana def. Frank Myer.
7. Golden Gig: Drugz Bunny (champion) def. Shotzi Blakkheart.
You can see this show, along with every other Hoodslam ever recorded, by subscribing to the Hoodslam YouTube channel for $1.99/month. Search “Hoodslammery” on YouTube.
Hoodslam runs at the Oakland Metro Opera House every first Friday and will return on Friday, November 20 for Hoodslam: 80s for the Ladies IV – Revenge of the Radio Star
Follow Hoodslam on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, all @hoodslam.
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Hoodslam is a 21+ event. DON’T BRING YOUR FUCKING KIDS!