It dawns on us that not all may be familiar with our annual celebration of femininity, and the reasons behind it. It is no simple answer, but let us do our best to elaborate on the why.
In wrestling, traditions go a long way. Not every tradition, however, should go indefinitely. Any story done right is worth telling, and there are always exceptions, but some old stories are best left in the past.

One tradition that perplexed us was the treatment of women as a lesser, perhaps even a commodity. “If I beat you your girl has to accompany me to the ring for one month” or “when i win against YOU, i get to go on a date with HER”, and so on. Women were important to have, upsetting to lose, but not worth as much as a title belt.
Another that has popped up over the decades and across the world,”Loser Wears A Dress”. How embarrassing it must be to be perceived as feminine. What a loser, to wear the same clothes as half the population.

Brittany Wonder, long time member of the roster and cosplay enthusiast, started to wear a Deadpool inspired attire in 2014. The sight of this “crossplay” triggered something; it occured to a member of our roster that in all of Hoodslams 80s night’s, video game theme’s, cartoon shows, horror shows, etc no male had ever performed as female. In fact, nowhere in wrestling was this a common phenomenon.

Was it fear? Wrestlers are sensitive performer types, but is the same person who dives into tacks afraid of some lace? Are those who bleed for money terrified someone might think they’re pretty? Are they afraid they might be treated how they may have treated our sisters in the locker room?

Maybe its just not for their audience. We think ours can handle it. In fact, every year its been a sold out event, turning hundreds away.
So, noticing that women were half the attendees, noticing that women had as strong characters as men, noticing that different genders might want to attend in womens clothing and they should all feel proud and secure to do so…we put on make up and skirts, and put on a show.

You might think its because women have been so proud lately. Or, because we live in the lgbt light house that is the bay area of California. Or, you think we’re a funny group who like girls clothing. None of it is entirely untrue…To us, its just about fairness. Women pay the same $20 as any man there, and deserve the same respect from their art.
Is this going to be any less of a stoned sweaty loud kinetic whiskey induced beautiful nightmare than any other event? Fuck no, we’ll just spend (way) more time on make up and (way) more money on costumes.
– (We’ve made the event two unique nights this year,2/3 & 2/4 so that nobody will be turned away, and all can join in the fun.)