Q&A with Anthony Butabi

If you’re keeping up with us on Facebook you saw that we were changing things up with our Q&A sessions with our Hoodslammer of the Month, Anthony Butabi. We tried something new and did a live webcast with Anthony answering any of your questions. Don’t worry if you missed it, you can watch the Q&A on our Spreecast channel.

We’ll have more updates from Anthony Butabi this week leading up to Hoodslam: Love the Game. Make sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, maybe even Vine, and whatever hip new things comes out this week, so you can keep up with all our updates.

This Month's Hoodslammer of the Month is Anthony Butabi!


All month we’ll be sharing updates, hosting a q&a session, and letting Anthony Butabi take over our social media accounts! Right now you can head over to the roster page and read all about Anthony, or you can just click here. We’ll be posting on Facebook and Twitter asking the fans what they want to see from the Hoodslammer of the Month so let us know!

Make sure you’re following Hoodslam and Anthony Butabi on Twitter and Facebook too!






Drinko de Mayo: Party Like a Chupacabra (May 3, 2013) Results

Drinko de Mayo: Party Like a Chupacabra

Friday, May 3, 2013

Oakland, Calif. at Oakland Metro Opera House

Est. paid attendance: 670

On this night, the Hoodslam Band was known as “José Queervo.” Live commentary by “Broseph” Joe Brody (WWE Tough Enough’s A.J. Kirsch) and your Juggalo homie, “KG” Kevin Gill. Referees were Guido, Sparky Ballard, and Official Senior Official El Sparko.

(1) Juiced Lee defeated Virgil Flynn III with a vaulting top-rope moonsault after attempted interference from DARK Sheik was enough to allow Juiced Lee to secure the victory, albeit reluctantly.

(2) Drugz Bunny defeated James C. (w/Stoney Montana) with a second-rope sunset flip. James then challenged Drugz Bunny to a 1920s street fight at next month’s Hoodslam. If James loses, he will relinquish control of the James Gang to Drugz Bunny. If Drugz Bunny loses, he falls back in line as James’s subordinate.

(3) The Knights of the Roxbury (Johnny Drinko Butabi & Anthony Butabi) defeated United Sideshows & Atrocities (Doc Atrocity & “The Mexican Werewolf” El Chupacabra w/Courtney Crimson, Super Mutant Red Rhino 2099, and Killer Clowns from Outer Oakland) when the Butabi Brothers hit a double Roxbury Bottom on Doc Atrocity after interference from Street Fighters Ken, Ryu, Cammy, and Cammy’s ass (which you can “like” on Facebook).

(4) Ken (representing Shotokan Dojo) defeated Johnny Cage (representing Earth Realm) with a hurricane kick off the top rope. Ken won the right to compete in Doc Atrocity’s Super Mutant Red Rhino 2099 Challenge later in the evening.

At this time, the valet of DARK Sheik, D. FAUST, performed burlesque art performance dance theater magic.

(5) DARK Sheik (w/D. FAUST) & Otis the Gimp & “Ultragirl” Brittany Wonder beat RYU & “Russian Lover” Zangiev & “Brazillian Beast” Blanka (w/Cammy) after Sub-Zero interfered and froze RYU solid, allowing DARK Sheik to score the pinfall. Fatality.

(6) Golden Gig Championship Identical Twin Tag Team Trial of Terror: Stoner Brothers (Rick-Scott & Scott-Rick) defeated the Ballard Brothers (Shane & Shannon) with the Rizz Bomb to retain the Golden Gig.

(7) Doc Atrocity’s Super Mutant Red Rhino 2099 Challenge: E. Honda replaced Ken and became the first competitor to ever defeat Super Mutant Red Rhino 2099 after interference on both sides from El Chupacabra, RYU, Doc Atrocity, Ken, Johnny Cage, Zangiev, Johnny Drinko, Anthony Butabi, DARK Sheik, and Cammy.

Main Event time for the P.M.A. Championship of Wrestling.

(8) “Psycho Shooter” Drake Younger beat THE Brian Kendrick with the Drake’s Landing (vertebreaker) in their first-ever encounter.


Less than a week after Drinko de Mayo: Party Like A Chupacabra and results and pictures from the show are already showing up all over the interwebs!

Wanna know what happened at Hoodslam? Gotta check the Torch! And tell them how awesome we are! They love us. You can even watch Marwin Arellano’s awesome video on their site!

Wanna see what happened at Hoodslam? Fan shots are on Facebook already!

Click here for Jesse Bowen’s album!

And here for David Brown’s!


This is Real