results: 11/1/19 Hoodslam – The Evils of Truth and Love


Hosted by Broseph Joe Brody, but then Drugz Bunny and Nuk Nuk Johnson.  Music by the Hoodslam band, who was known on this evening as Labia Majoras Mask

1. Hidden Gem Matt Carlos defeated Mr Excitement Ryan Kidd to retain the Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fannypacks Championship

2. Mexican Werewolf El Chupacabra defeated Team Rocket Jesse and James in a handicap match to remain the Beast Who Holds the Golden Gig

3. Brutal Rob Hands and James C defeated Cereal Man and his last minute replacement partner for the injured Drugz Bunny, Thicc Martel

Broseph and James C would have some words here, and Broseph would peace out from commentary

4. Richard Shhhnary defeated Bachelor Boone (a different guy visiting from Ohio than our usual Sweet Boone)

5. Hip Hop Harry and Kenny K of Da Squaaaad defeated Stoner Brothers Scott Rick and Rick Scott Stoner to retain the Intergalactic Tag Team Championship

6. Johnny Drinko Butabi was the winner of a Single Jeaporday Over the Top Rope Except the Last Fall Battle Royalish Match to be Number One Contender of some Title Later, that also featured: D-Rogue, Bart-Man, Pookie and Neil the Thrill

7. FunnyBone defeated HBKen of the Woah Woah Dojo
