During 5/3 Faith in Monsters, Grief Counselor Marco and Dr Von Eerie once again found themselves opposite of Vipress and DARK Sheik. This time, Juice Lee interfered on behalf of Dr Von Eerie. In the midst of combat, DARK Sheik accidentally kicked a chair into Vipresses face.

Referee Wiggles was there to administer top flight elite medical assistance. However, Vipress withdrew from the match due to her injury. She left the ring, and then the building, and promptly was admitted to a medical facility where she received surgical treatment in the days following May 3rd.

She Who Holds the Golden GiG Vipress is considered unfit for mortal combat as Hoodslam demands, indefinitely.
Above photos retrieved from Chris Jung aka @rudo_rampage on twittex.

Above photo provided by Vipress, who would not allow photography of her injured face to be reproduced. Get well soon, Vipress.