The “Accidental Phenomenon” makes their way back to the Biggest Little City Saturday September 21st and at a new venue……. The Eddy!

Pro Wrestling Rated R // This Is Real since 2010 // Oakland’s last sports team // 21+ #dontbringyourfnkids

Come in to the bar/restaurant portion at 11am,

Hoodslam Fucks the Fans at 7pm and get this……………


Hoodslammers in action

Brittany Wonder

Cris Torres


Dave Reckoning

DARK Sheik (?)

Butch Sawyer

Brutal Rob Hands

Rick Scott Stoner

Scott Rick Stoner


Lara Frazier

James C

More surprises to come!

Hosted by Anton Voorhees

Your ring announcer for the evening will be Stevie Bae Knoxx

@hoodslam on socials // see our v1deo library on Triller TV//Fite + // // as in life, things can change //

results: 9/6/24 Forever Hold Your Peace

Hosted by Joran Castle and Sam Laterna

Captain MYLO defeated Jaguar Montoya (with Lil Crush and James C) to retain the Champion Ship. Afterwards, James C physically attacked and left Jaguar in the ring, presumably to signal that he has not been accepted into the James Gang.

Ricky Stoner, Scotty Stoner & Richard Shhhnary defeated Chris Nasty, Gin Sevani & Finch.

the wedding of DARK Sheik & Vipress was annulled after Jamie Senegal & Allysin Kay interfered. Afterwards, DARK Sheik and Vipress agreed to an I Wish I Could Quit You Match at October 4ths FTF Mountain where the loser would admit they were the toxic one in the relationship and break up with the other.

Cereal Man & El Chupacabra defeated Juice Lee & Grief Counselor Marco. Afterwards, Cereal Man revealed that Dr Von Eerie had wrestled at Hoodslam in the long ago times, and thus was conflicting her interests by being our therapist. He stated that the Chief of Therapy would appear at FTF Mountain 10/4 to revoke her license.

Brittany Wonder defeated Lara Frazier

The EMOHeads announced that 11/1 would be EMO PROM FIGHT NIGHT. Anton Voorhees came to the ring to ask Brooke if she had a date already. She said no, but that Anton would have to defeat her 3 evil exes in order to take her to prom.

Anton Voorhees defeated D-Torch. He fights the secoond evil ex at FTF Mountain 10/4/24.

Mighty Mayra defeated Ashton Starr to win the GLAMpionship. Afterwards, Captain MYLO celebrated with her, but then verbally turned on her and Jeff the Shark. She was upset that neither were there to help her in her successful defense against Jaguar Montoya, who was assisted by Lil Crush and James C of the James Gang. She stated that next month she would teach her crew a lesson, when Captain MYLO faces Jeff the Shark for the Champion Ship – GLAMpion and First Matey Mighty Mayra will be the referee at 10/4 FTF Mountain.

KEITA defeated Kenny K to win the Best Athlete in the Eastbay Golden Fannypacks Award

EMOHEADS Brooke Havok and EMO Rob Hands defeated Jorel Nelson and Royce Isaacs to retain the Intergalactic Tag Team Championship

results: 8/2/24 IRIS

Hosted by Jordan Castle and Wonder Dave from Oakland Continental Club

Ricky and Scotty Stoner defeated Miguel & Levell

Vipress defeated Frontman Jah to retain the Golden GiG

DARK Sheik and Mercedes Martinez fought to a no contest, post match DARK Sheik and Vipress got engaged.

Ashton Starr defeated Lara Frazier to retain the GLAMpionship

D-Torch & EMO Rob Hands defeated James C & Jaguar Montoya to retain the Intergalactic Tag Team Championship

Kittybusa defeated Valarie Venus,Mighty Mayra, Lil Crush & Joey Gonzo In a scramble match, but then was attacked by Cereal Man dressed kinda like crow sting.

Cereal Man defeated Grief Counselor Marco

Mansoor & Mason Madden defeated Anton Voorhees & Richard Shhhnary, kinda? Referee Wiggles was knocked out and his unconscious arm was used by MxM to count the three.

Mercedes Martinez at IRIS 8/2/24

Making her debut, Merceds Martinez!


MxM Mansoor and Mason face off against 2 of the BloodBond64 when they face old friends Richard Shhhnary and Anton Voorhees!

Ashton Starr defends the GLAMpionship against Adventurex Lara Frazier!

Vipress defends the Golden GiG, she and DARK Sheik reach the point of no return.

EMO-Galactic Tag Team Champions and EMOHEADS Rob Hands and D-Torch defend their big ugly belts against James C and Jaguar Montoya!

Cereal Man – Grief Counselor Marco – Juice Lee – Dr Von Eerie

Frontman Jah debuts!

Hosted by Jordan Castle and Wonder Dave








*card subject to change // dontbringyourfnkids


8/2/24 iRiS – MxM Returns, Frontman Jah debuts!

thats the news! look at our twitter or the eventbrite to get more info on the matches coming up for this big event. Or, try your luck looking for updaters here

@hoodslam for the stuffs

The event also features:

DARK Sheik


Anton Voorhees

Stoner Brothers

Grief Counselor Marco and Dr Von Eerie

Juice Lee

Cereal Man

Brutal Rob Hands and D-Torch, the Intergalactic Tag Team Champions!

New GLAMpion Ashton Starr!

others probably. lots of others.

watch it on TV

results: 7/5/24 r e s i s t

hosted by Anton Voorhees at Oakland Continental Club:

Lara Frazier defeated Helen Charlotte Campbell

Kenny K defeated Joey Gonzo to retain the Golden Fannypacks Championship

D-Torch & Rob Hands defeated DARK Sheik & Vipress to retain the Intergalactic Tag Team Championship – at first they accused Vipress of pushing Brooke down a well, leading to a match. When things had gone too far, DARK Sheik stated that she wouldn’t do that for Vipress, Vipress wouldn’t do that for her. Vipress was offended, stating that she /would/ push Brooke down a well for Sheik. This led to its own confrontation, which was interrupted by the returning Brooke Havok.

After the match, FBE Agent #1 (*last seen at September 2023’s PSYCHOPHORIA event) returned and told Rob and D-Torch that they still had it wrong. Before he could tell everyone that it was a vigilante FBE Agent #2, FBE Agent #2 returned and stabbed him in the back. She said that she would go beyond the law and end EMO for good.

Brooke Havok defeated FBE Agent #2

Captain MYLO defeated Richard Shhhnary & Saraya Saber in a triple threat to retain the Champion Ship

due to unforeseen circumstances, Viva Van was unable to appear and defend her GLAMpionship. Even though some champions go like months between defenses here, she sent the belt to us and it was considered vacant.

Ashton Starr defeated Brittany Wonder to win the vacant GLAMpionship

Juice Lee defeated Cereal Man

Mansoor & Mason defeated Ricky Stoner & Scotty Stoner… i guess? They knocked out Wiggles then counted the 3 themselves, which we didn’t exactly not allowww…

results: 6/7/24 dazzling

Hosted by Sam Laterna and J Rose from Oakland Continental Club:

Joey Gonzo defeated Lara Frazier, Ricky Stoner, James C, Brittany Wonder and Rob Hands in a Six Way Scramble

Viva Van defeated Mighty Mayra to retain the GLAMpionship

D-Torch defeated Jaguar Montoya, who was then compelled to reveal that whoever Brooke Havok was pushed down the well by a woman, but he could not say who.

Allie Katch, DARK Sheik & EFFY defeated Juice Lee, Vipress & Grief Counselor Marco

Captain MYLO defeated BART-Man to retain the Champion Ship

Anton Voorhees defeated Cereal Man

Kenny K defeated 1 Called Manders to retain the Best Athlete in the East Bay Award Double Golden Fannypacks Championship

results: 5/18/24 That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Hoodslammer

Reno, Nevada at The Bird – Hosted by Joey Smoak

1-Dreamy Drew vs Barbie Boi vs Gremyln

WINNER: Dreamy Drew

2- Midas Kreed vs Prince Gabriel

WINNER: Midas Kreed

3- Lil Crush & Jaguar Montoya vs Joey Gonzo & EMO Rob

WINNERS: Joey Gonzo & EMO Rob

4- Cerealman vs Otto Von Clutch 

 WINNER: Cerealman

5- Honest John vs James C


6- Crush Crew vs Lara Frazier/Joe DeSoul

WINNERS: Crush Crew

For the ChampionShip 

7- JMM vs Brittany Wonder vs “Captain” Mac Daddy Mylo

WINNER: “Captain” Mac Daddy Mylo

Mikey Jay, Viva Van and the GLAMpionship!

At 4/5 Simulacrumania, Hoodslam was invaded by a band of wrestlers who had been left on read too many times. They attacked and said that they could be just as good as the regular roster, even introducing a Fake Stoner Brothers and Fake Drugz Bunny. Rounding out the ranks was a masked assailant, and longtime bay area wrestler Mikey Jay.

The masked assailant would reveal himself to be Johnny Butabi, former Captain of the Champion Ship! He had stolen the magical Ship in a bottle, and was holding it ransom for a title match against current Captain M Y L O! The contest would be decided in a /Walk the plank – Overboard Match/. Or Something.

Rubbing salt in our wounds, Mikey Jay was able to win the GLAMpionship from Hop Daddy. With two of our coveted awards in their possession, they opened their ranks to whomstsoever would join. This was answered by Jaguar Montoya, who turned on his partner Joey Gonzo when he urged him to reconsider.

Ultimately, Fake Drugz Bunny and Rodd Todd and Todd Rodd, the Fake Stoner brothers, were all mauled by the shark. Though Johnny Butabi was able to send M Y L O over the edge, she tamed the mighty beast and rode the shark back to the ring. From there, she chased Johnny beyond the couch. He is considered lost at sea.

Mikey Jay and Jaguar Montoya found themselves against the Stoners, Richard Shhhnary, Anton Voorhees, Mighty Mayra, Captain M Y L O and her new shark friend, as this assemblage of Hoodslammers looked to put an emphatic end to this invasion. It was then that Jaguar Montoya turned on Mikey Jay, insinuating that he was playing a double agent all along. Nobody really believes him.

The invasion was squashed, more deaths added to the Hoodslam tally. But, Mikey Jay remained our GLAMpion. At 5/3 Faith in Monsters, he agreed to defend the GLAMpionship against anyone who was /NOT/ a Hoodslam regular. The challenge was answered by the returning HellBent Viva Van, who was narrowly able to claim the prize.

Viva Van returns at our 6/7 event Dazzling to defend the GLAMpionship against First Matey Mighty Mayra.

That should be it for Mikey Jay, right?


Return to RENO 5/18

On May 18th we return to The Bird in Reno, Nevada! El Chupacabra brings you Hoodslam…Reno style!


Cereal Man

Captain MYLO

James C

Anton Voorhees

Brittany Wonder

Midas Kreed

Otto Von Clutch

Chris Torres

Dreamy Drew



Joey Smoak


21+// #dontbringyourfnkids //Tickets- $25 



This is Real