Hoodslam – Sunny Days
6/23/23 6ish doors/7 PM show
Oakland, California 21+ dontbringyourfnkids
Streaming on fite+
birdswillfall.com // @hoodslam on things
Previously, on Hoodslam – The Fallen first appeared at 3/3/23, where they emerged from a tear in reality and killed four of our roster, including our champion.
She, an angel with an exposed golden skull. Her shadowy demon consort. Hollywood CerealMan who emerged here years ago and acted as a sleeper cell. Evil demon Lil BJ, a creature that came to our dimension last fall and embedded itself as the reincarnated dog of Sweet Boone : they returned at 6/2/23 and threatened to again decimate our roster.
The EMO Heads Brooke Havok and Brutally Emo Rob Hands were able to kidnap one of the Fallens flock, the demon dog that killed Robs friend Sweet Boone. It was at the expense of Emo Head Alan Angels.
Hoodslammers were able to rescue him from sudden death, but Anton Voorhees had the triangle ripped off his face in bloody consequence. Others were able to retreat with the wounded, but Drugz Bunny chose to fight. Once more The Fallen fatally massacred one of ours when She used our Golden GiG Championship to slit the throat of Drugz Bunny.
At 6/23/23 – with another of ours dead and one of theirs captured – The Fallen again descend upon Hoodslam.
DARK Sheik
MacDaddy M Y L O
PitFall Jones
Lara Frazier
El Chupacabra
Juice Lee
Cereal Man
Kidd Bandit debuts
More to be announced
Hosted by Broseph Joe Brody
Card Subject to Extinction

Hoodslam – The American Scream 7/7/23
11:59PM EST/ 9PM PST Oakland, California
21+ dontshowyourfnkids, LIVE ON FITE +
The survivors of the last incursion by The Fallen have little time to stop and smell the roses. The world keeps spinning, demands must be supplied. Desperate cries wail out and join in harmony with the American Scream.
The Hoodslammers had split into factions in efforts to find strength and comfort in numbers. While friendships have blossomed, so has opportunity for loss. Not a group stands that hasn’t been affected by tragedy or been guilty of betrayal.
Madness looms like pollution on the skyline, the sunset more endearing through its distorted lens. The American Scream sings a song and we all hum along.
Featuring [assuming they survive 6/23/23]:
– Allie Katch defends the Best Athlete in the Eastbay Golden Fannypacks Championship
– current Intergalactic Tag Team Champions El Chupacabra and Juice Lee
– Hop Daddy and Kenny K of the Squaaad
– EMO Heads Brooke Havok, Alan Angels and Brutal Emo Rob
– The CAUTION [Anton Voorhees // DARK Sheik] and Vipress
– Jack of Cartwheel
More to come* card subject to change