results: GLAM – A League of Their Own 2/8/19

hosted by Anton Voorhees, music by Oinga Boinga!

The LINK to the Future Anton Voorhees kicked the night off recapping the GLAM Tournament from last month. He explained that tonight would be the Final match of the tournament and the winner would be the owner of #TheSunKey. What does the Sun Key do? It opens the Sun Door obviously. What’s behind the Sun Door? That’s the thing… the Sun Door can only be opened, simultaneously, with the Moon Door. WHICH MEANS next month there will be a match to find out who will get to be owner of #TheMoonKey. Awesome.

Our band for the evening and every GLAM was the tremendous Oinga Boinga

Match one
Katarina Leigh Waters (Lady K) def Holidead to become the owner of the Sun Key

Match two
Buggy Nova def Nurse Ratchet after being injected with some kind of fluid and then giving birth to Chucky… the Doll… from the movie. Also Awesome.

Match three
‘Ultra Girl’ Brittany Wonder def The Great Bambina in what was Bambina’s professional wrestling debut. Welcome to the club, kid.

Match four
Trish Adora def Simone Sherie. Side note: Simone delivers forearm shots like she just saw you kick her dog.

Match five
Viva Van def Heather Monroe by submission.

Match six
Lisa Lace / Shakira Spears and D-Rogue of Da Squaaaaaaaaaad def Bulma ( Leva Bates (official fb page) ) and Piccolo (“Mexican Werewolf” El Chupacabra) of Dragon Ball Z

Wow. That’s a lot of crazy stuff, yea?
Come check us out next month for GLAM – Guilty Lethal Action Mayhem. 2nd Friday of Every Month.
