results: 7/5/24 r e s i s t

hosted by Anton Voorhees at Oakland Continental Club:

Lara Frazier defeated Helen Charlotte Campbell

Kenny K defeated Joey Gonzo to retain the Golden Fannypacks Championship

D-Torch & Rob Hands defeated DARK Sheik & Vipress to retain the Intergalactic Tag Team Championship – at first they accused Vipress of pushing Brooke down a well, leading to a match. When things had gone too far, DARK Sheik stated that she wouldn’t do that for Vipress, Vipress wouldn’t do that for her. Vipress was offended, stating that she /would/ push Brooke down a well for Sheik. This led to its own confrontation, which was interrupted by the returning Brooke Havok.

After the match, FBE Agent #1 (*last seen at September 2023’s PSYCHOPHORIA event) returned and told Rob and D-Torch that they still had it wrong. Before he could tell everyone that it was a vigilante FBE Agent #2, FBE Agent #2 returned and stabbed him in the back. She said that she would go beyond the law and end EMO for good.

Brooke Havok defeated FBE Agent #2

Captain MYLO defeated Richard Shhhnary & Saraya Saber in a triple threat to retain the Champion Ship

due to unforeseen circumstances, Viva Van was unable to appear and defend her GLAMpionship. Even though some champions go like months between defenses here, she sent the belt to us and it was considered vacant.

Ashton Starr defeated Brittany Wonder to win the vacant GLAMpionship

Juice Lee defeated Cereal Man

Mansoor & Mason defeated Ricky Stoner & Scotty Stoner… i guess? They knocked out Wiggles then counted the 3 themselves, which we didn’t exactly not allowww…
