results: 1/3/25 REVOLUTION X

hosted by Jordan Castle from Oakland Continental Club

referees Wiggles and in his final appearance, Nuk Nuk Johnson

MacDaddy MYLO defeated Brittany Wonder to retain the GLAMpionship after KEiTA interfered on her behalf

The EMOHeads interrupted a celebration from BloodBond64 in which a 4 on 4 match was agreed upon, with the winners getting a Tag Team Championship match at our next event POPTOPIA 2/7/25

Mighty Mayra defeated Jaguar Montoya

Cereal Man defeated DARK Sheik, El Chupacabra (with OKAMI) and Juice Lee (with Dr Von Eerie) to fill the vacancy and become He Who Holds the Golden GiG

Kenny K defeated James C (with Lil Crush) to remain Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fannypacks Champion

Brooke Havok, EMO Rob, D-Torch & Lara Frazier defeated Ricky Stoner, Scotty Stoner and Intergalactic Tag Team Champions Richard Shhhnary & Anton Voorhees

KEiTA defeated Jack Cartwheel Summit after MYLO interfered on his behalf.
