3/7 disassembled matches! FILTHY Tom Lawlor on Commentary!

Two out of Three Falls! For the Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fannypacks Championship! James C challenged Kenny K!

First time ever! For the GLAMpionship! MacDaddy M Y L O defends against El Chupacabra!

Your Commentary Team for the evening: Anton Voorhees and the debuting FILTHY TOM LAWLOR!

DARK Sheik is on her revenge tour: next stop is the former Grief Counselor MARCO!

He Who Holds the Golden GiG Cereal Man defends against his biggest challenger yet: the giant and brutal EMO Rob Hands!

Tag Team action when D-Torch and Lara Frazier face off against Juice Lee and Von Eerie!

Fatal Fourway! Ricky Stoner v KEiTA v Mighty Mayra v the returning Vipress!

ALSO: Bloodbond 64 members Richard Shhhnary and Scotty Stoner take on Dungeon Dave Wreckoning and Jeckles the Jester!
