Stoner U Pre show Made its return! Hosted by Scott Rickerson and Link to the Future and 1/3rd of THE CAUTION (CAUTION) Anton Voorhees
- Thicc Martel defeated Neil the Thrill
- Brutal Rob Hands with James C defeated Great Bambina
Hoodslam hosted by Broseph Joe Brody and Johnny Drinko Butabi
- Mexican Werewolf and The Beast Who Holds the Golden Gig El Chupacabra defeated Kenny K to retain the Golden Gig
- Whoa Whoa Dojo Sensei Joey Nuggs and HBKen defeated Steven Tresario and El Bart-Man
James C and Brutal Rob Hands came to the ring and James C challenged Broseph Joe Brody to a match! Before Broseph could answer, Richard Shhhnary interrupted and asked both to sign a petition to ban Sour Boone from Hoodslam, but none would sign. Broseph would disagree to the match AND petition, and James C/Brutal Rob Hands made a hasty exit in hopes of avoiding having to sign shit.
3. Super Beast defeated Kal Jack
DARK Sheik and Anton Voorhees (The CAUTION…CAUTION) came to the ring, and Anton spoke to Sheik. Usually she would use this time to question Juice Lee and his intentions, but Anton made a suggestion of not seeing patterns where they may not be. With Sour Boone turning on The CAUTION after they ignored him and his dog little BJ being tormented (and the pup murdered) by Richard Shhhnary, and Anton Voorhees still being injured with a broken wrist from November 15th Stoner U, Juice Lee is the only friend DARK Sheik has. She agreed, and she shook hands with her partner in the Tag Team Championship.
Richard Shhhnary would interrupt and agree about the menace that is Boone. He implored them to sign his petition.
The Stoner Brothers entered. Scott Rick Stoner was happy to sign, as his “dead hand” gave him a vision of Shhhnary’s severed head, and he believes Shhhnary to be in danger.
Ruby Raze and Vipress would come to the stage – with soju – and state that they’d really like if they could just wrestle already, this segment is taking too long
4. DARK Sheik and Juice Lee defeated Stoner Brothers Scott Rick and Rick Scott Stoner & Vipress and Ruby Raze to retain the Intergalactic Tag Team Championship
5.FunnyBone defeated Holidead. Post match, Shhhnary tried to get them to sign his petition, but they bumped him up and destroyed it.
6. D-Rogue and Drugz Bunny fought to a draw and D-Rogue retained the Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fannypacks after interference from Da Squaaad was retorted by interference from El Chupacabra, Matt Carlos and reluctantly Johnny Drinko Butabi