Hosted by Broseph Joe Brody, featuring commentary from Anton Voorhees and Rick Scott Stoner
1. El Chupacabra defended the Golden Gig against King of Dong Style Joey Ryan
2. Scott Rick Stoner defeated Anton Voorhees
Da Squaaad(Hip Hop Harry, Shakira Spears, D-Rogue and Kenny K) announced that at FTF X, when they run the show, they’re challenging Drugz Bunny and Cereal Man for the Intergalactic Tag Team Championship in a 4 on 2 match. Also, they used to kick it with Matt Carlos, so they’re throwing him a bone against Sweet Boone for the Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fannypacks. This is in addition to the DROWNING match they made with The CAUTION (CAUTION) against the Stoner Brothers.
3. Super Beast and Funnybone defeated Da Squaaad, after the match they attacked the creepy winners but The Beast Who Holds the Golden Gig El Chupacabra assisted them and turned the tide with his former compatriots in Disenchanted
4. Best Sheriff in the East Bay Golden Fannypack Champion Sweet Boone defeated Rick Scott Stoner to retain the Golden Fannypacks
5. Matt Carlos/Richard Shhhnary/HBKen/Sensei Joey Nuggs/BartMan defeated Glorious Banana/Supreme Pay Out Frank Furter/James C/Brutal Rob Hands/Steven Tresario in a match that nobody will take credit in booking, but it was fire
6. Bat Manuel defeated Big B and Juice Lee in a triangle match
yo, watch it here