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results: 10/10/19 SacSlam!

Hosted by Nuk Nuk Johnson and El Flaco Loco from District 30 on K Street in Sacramento!

  1. Nurse Ratchet defeated Handsome Devil Anthony Rivera and D Rogue in a Triple Threat Match
  2. Stoner Brothers defeated Chris Blaze and RyanO
  3. Brutal Rob Hands defeated Big B
  4. Juice Lee defeated Otis the Gimp and Super Beast in a Triple Threat Match
  5. Sensei Joey Nuggs and HBKen of the Woah Woah Dojo defeated WonderCats Brittany Wonder and Joey Smoak
  6. FunnyBone defeated The Big Ugly JD Bishop


Friday Night is GLAM – GUILTY LETHAL ACTION MAYHEM.   With the coming of the TARGET ACQUIRED event, 8 participants have already entered into the QUALIFYING Round!


Killer Bae Heather Monroe

Leslie Iris

Daughter of the Devil, Vipress

Ultragirl Brittany Wonder

Aleyah Sweets

Sandra Moone

Shakira Spears

DARK Sheik


Who will be the first to proceed in the name of the  GLAMPIONSHIP!

results: Fuck the Fans X – 10/4/19 Hoodslam

Hey, you can watch it before you read about it, pretty neat


Hosted by Broseph Joe Brody and Wonder Dave

Featuring music by the Hoodslam Band, known on this night as Squad Stewart

1. DROWNING MATCH: The Caution (DARK Sheik and Link to the Future Anton Voorhees) defeated Stoner Brothers (Scott Rick Stoner and Rick Scott Stoner)

2. I QUIT MATCH for BEST ATHLETE IN THE EAST BAY GOLDEN FANNYPACKS CHAMPIONSHIP: Hidden Gem Matt Carlos became the new champion when Sweet Boone said I Quit after an interfering Richard Shhhnary captured his dog Bernie Jr and put him in a crate and doused it in kerosene.  He then stole the dog.

3. DOG COLLAR MATCH to decide who is the one who holds THE GOLDEN GIG: Mexican Werewolf El Chupacabra defended his claim to the Golden Gig by defeated Sensei Joey Nuggs

4. INTERGALACTIC TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: Da Squaaad (D-Rogue/Kenny K/Shakira Spears/Hip Hop Harry) became the new champions by defeating Cereal Man and Drugz Bunny in a match that was elimination for Da Squaaad but one fall for the then defending champions.

5. 30ish RUMBLE OF RANKING RAMIFICATIONS: Team Rocket (Jesse and James) won the over the top rope event, last eliminating Your Demigod of Death FunnyBone.  They’ve earned an opportunity to become the team who holds the Golden Gig on November 1st


Yo, its halloween season.  We know you love it, so…

October 4th is Fuck the Fans on a Friday in Oakland

October 10th is a THURSDAY and we’re back in Sacramento

October 11th is GLAM back home on a FRIDAY

October 18th is Hoodslammery still home ALSO FRIDAYOMG

October 20th is Sexy Good Time Horror Babylon on a SUNDAY at SF Oasis

October 25th….



Not only that, but Hoodslammers are all over the place, east cost, west coast, chopped and screwy mid west, dirty south.  Stay here or go follow @hoodslam on like anything AND see where we’ll be this pumpkin time.


bring your flyest fit

results: SQUAD UP 9/20/10 Hoodslam

Hosted by Broseph Joe Brody, featuring commentary from Anton Voorhees and Rick Scott Stoner

1. El Chupacabra defended the Golden Gig against King of Dong Style Joey Ryan

2. Scott Rick Stoner defeated Anton Voorhees

Da Squaaad(Hip Hop Harry, Shakira Spears, D-Rogue and Kenny K) announced that at FTF X, when they run the show, they’re challenging Drugz Bunny and Cereal Man for the Intergalactic Tag Team Championship in a 4 on 2 match.  Also, they used to kick it with Matt Carlos, so they’re throwing him a bone against Sweet Boone for the Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fannypacks.  This is in addition to the DROWNING match they made with The CAUTION (CAUTION) against the Stoner Brothers.

3. Super Beast and Funnybone defeated Da Squaaad, after the match they attacked the creepy winners but The Beast Who Holds the Golden Gig El Chupacabra assisted them and turned the tide with his former compatriots in Disenchanted

4. Best Sheriff in the East Bay Golden Fannypack Champion Sweet Boone defeated Rick Scott Stoner to retain the Golden Fannypacks

5. Matt Carlos/Richard Shhhnary/HBKen/Sensei Joey Nuggs/BartMan defeated Glorious Banana/Supreme Pay Out Frank Furter/James C/Brutal Rob Hands/Steven Tresario in a match that nobody will take credit in booking, but it was fire

6. Bat Manuel defeated Big B and Juice Lee in a triangle match


yo, watch it here

results: “Her Majesty, Long BAE She Reign” 9/13/19 GLAM

Hosted by Kathy Campanelli and Link to the Future Anton Voorhees

Musicing by THE Oinga Boinga

  1. Misty Von Eerie defeated Aleyah Sweets
  2. Da Squaaad (Shakira Spears and D-Rogue w/Hip Hop Harry) defeated the wildcard team of Sandra Moon and Ultra Girl Brittney Wonder
  • post match, Buggy Nova attacked Da Squaaad for beating her child Chucky up at the last event.  The three outnumbered the single mother and babe until Nurse Ratchet came to assist her co baby momma, seemingly finally ready to embrace her role in traditional family values.  However, they were interrupted by Vipress.  The daughter of the devil and herald of the evil Tia Mot wished to enact revenge and retribution on the undead medical professional.  She verbally berated Ratchet for surgically stealing her powers at the last GLAM event – powers gifted to her by the mysterious Tia Mott from the other side of the sun and moon door.  After Vipress attacked Nurse Ratchet, Buggy Nova stepped in to defend her gal friday.

3. Buggy Nova defeated Vipress

– Heather Monroe then greeted the audience via video of her at a pool.  She was less than gracious to GLAM on her night of celebration, refusing even to attend.  She did stop to remind us that as holder of the Sun and Moon key – and the one who shoved Lady K through the door and into oblivion – she is the one true champion of GLAM.

– Anton Voorhees and Kathy Campanelli then introduced the crowd to the new and vacant GLAMpionship Title!  It’s purrty..

4. Plus Sized Model Thicc Martel defeated Fidel Bravo

5. Showgirl Calamity Kate defeated Nurse Ratchet

– Kate was able to pin Ratchet after interference from Da Squaaad, who then put a beat down on the zombie nurse for attacking them earlier. Buggy Nova would emerge – dressed as a nurse herself! – and fight off the surprised Squaaa with her bae, delivering a double choke slam to D-Rogue.  The two would then finally embrace each other – in their hearts and in the flesh – and it was the most touching pda moment involving a single mother of a demon child winning the love of the zombie nurse she beat up 7 months ago in all of wrestling so far.

6. Viva Van defeated Leslie Iris









results: 222 – 9/6/19 Hoodslam

Hosted by Broseph Joe Brody

1. Demigod of Death FunnyBone defeated Hidden Gem Matt Carlos

2. Da Squaaad (Shakira Spears, Kenny K, D-Rogue and Hip Hop Harry Henderson) defeated The CAUTION (Link to the Future Anton Voorhees/DARK Sheik) & The Stoner Brothers (Scott-Rick Stoner and Rick-Scott Stoner)

3. Big B v Juice Lee was declared a no contest after Bat Manuel interfered and attacked both individuals with his bat-manuel-arang and other gadgets and shit

4. Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fannypack Champion Sweet Boone defeated Richard Shhhnary in a Sanctum of Silence Match after Sweet Boone released his invisible doggo “little Bernie Junior) from his harness and he bit Richard Shhhnary, making him do noises out his mouth

5. El Chupacabra defeated Sensei Joey Nuggs to become the NEW Beast Who Holds the Golden Gig Champion of all Hoodslammery

6. Drugz Bunny and Cereal Man defeated Brutal Rob Hands and James C to retain the Intergalactic Tag Team Championship

7. Thicc Martel defeated Johnny Drinko Butabi and HBKen in a Triangle Match



results: SacSlam – 9/1/19 Hoodslam


Hosted by El Flaco Loco and Fly as Fuk Nuk Nuk Johnson

1. Richard Shhhnary defeated Nurse Ratchet and Glorious Banana in a Triangle Match

2. Juice Lee defeated Big B

3. Otis the Gimp defeated Chris Blaze

4. HBKen of the Woah Woah Dojo defeated Keita Murray after Sensei Nuggs interfered

5. Golden Gig Champion Sensei Nuggs of the Woah Woah Dojo defeated Big Baby Powder

6. Stoner Brothers Rick Scott Stoner and Scott Rick Stoner defeated James C and Brutal Rob Hands

7. Big Ugly JD Bishop defeated Johnny Drinko Butabi


whoomp, here it is

results: Must See TV – 8/30/19 Sexy GoodTime Wrestle Show

Hosted by HeisenBro and Wonder Danny Tanner

1. Michael Scott defeated Andy Dwyer, but also Michael Scarn defeated Burt Maclin

2. Caine defeated Julien

3. Beavis and Butt-Head defeated Hank Hill and Boomhauer

4. Lindsay Bluth/GOB Bluth/Tobias Funke defeated Police Chief Jim Hopper and Eleven

5. Jesse Pinkman defeated Tony Soprano

6. John Snow defeated the Night King


here it is in case you’re curious what any of that meant

results: OBSESSION 8/23/19 Hoodslam

Hosted by Broseph Joe Brody

1 Stoner Brothers defeated Da Squaaad

2 Brutal Rob Hands with James C defeated Steven Tresario

3 The CAUTION defeated Bat-Manuel and Big B after Big B turned on Bat-Manuel.  This is after Bart Man abandoned Big B.  Post match, Juice Lee attacked Bat Manuel.  Bart Man came back to help him

4 Juice Lee defeated Bart Man

5 El Chupacabra and Super Beast defeated HBKen and Golden Gig Champion Sensei Joey Nuggs of the Woah Woah Dojo

6 Sheriff of Hoodslam/Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fanny Pack Champion Sweet Boone defeated Matt Carlos, D Rogue and Tag Team Champion Drugz Bunny to retain his title

7 James C defeated Richard Shhhnary and Glorious Banana, and also his own personal demons regarding Bananas stemming from his past in the 1920s.