All posts by admin

Fuck You Bro, and Fuck the Fans!

Dear Hoodslam fans,

Fuck you, bro. Seriously. You wanna hate on ME? For what? My taste in awesome music (LONG LIVE Nickelback)? My taste in AXE scents? The fact that I have to fight the pussy off with a stick night after night? The fact that I banged some big-tittied stripper bitch on a nationally-televised reality TV show? You hella jella.

I dare you to hate on me in person. I. Fucking. Dare you.

Bring the hate to the Oakland Metro Operahouse on Friday, October 3 for Hoodslam’s biggest show of the fall, Fuck the Fans V. I am going to crush-fuck every last one of you into oblivion. And it will be #BROeticJustice.

Fuck the fans. Fuck your day. And fuck you, too. BRO!!!

Your BROliness,


Broseph gets this reaction everywhere he goes.

Admit it, you hate his success. (This is not porn.)

El Flaco Loco VS Doc Atrocity for the control of Hoodslam

Doc Atrocity is high on a steroid concoction of power ever since defeating El Flaco Loco and taking control of Hoodslam. His plan is to annihilate the multiverse- starting with destroying Oakland!

Back in February an election was held to determine the Mayor of Hoodslam between El Flaco Loco, Doc Atrocity and our sometimes announcer. El Flaco Loco, Norcal wrestling legend and part time Hoodslam commentator delivered an impassioned speech that whipped the hundreds in attendance into a frenzy, and was shortly after named the official winner of the Mayor of Hoodslam election! This would not last long as they would challenge again for in a “Loser Leaves Hoodslam for 90 days” match at Entertania, with Doc Atrocity winning after pouring zombie sauce into the eyes of El Flaco Loco.

With no one to stop him, Doc Atrocity would crave more power- by declaring himself also in control of Oakland, San Francisco and the rest of the world. Broseph Brody was finally disgusted by his actions when Doc interrupted his birthday party and beat him in a match to continue the celebration.

Upset by his loss, Doc Atrocity tried to exact revenge last month by interrupting the show and assaulting Broseph along with his sideshow freaks, beating him into a pile of glitter. In a surprising return, El Flaco Loco entered for the save and cleared the ring of the sideshow freaks- claiming that he is the original Mayor of Hoodslam! Now they will meet again Oct 3rd at BROetic Justice to settle who is the one true Mayor! FTF!

Hoodslam presents Fuck the Fans V: BROetic Justice • Friday, October 3 • Oakland Metro Operahouse (630 Third Street in Oakland, CA) • 8:30pm • $10 at the door • 21 and over • Full bar • Live music from The Hoodslam Band • DON’T BRING YOUR FUCKING KIDS!

Cheap Popcast goes Hoodslam

Check out the latest episode of the Cheap Popcast as they declare Hoodslam to be a true indi promotion and the equal of  any other wrestling promotion in the world!

Download the episode here! Hoodslam praise starts @ 1:20.


Find out what all of social media is talking about on Oct. 3rd, for FTF V: BROetic Justice

October 3rd, 2014 doors 8:30, show 9pm
630 3rd Street, Oakland Metro Operahouse
$10 cover, 21&up, dontbringyourfnkids

BROetic Justice October 3rd!

Fresh off a vaginal safari tour of VH1’s Dating Naked, Broseph Brody is planning on fucking the fans Oct. 3rd for his show- BROetic Justice! A few weeks ago, he won the Battle Royal for Supremacy and gets to run Hoodslam for the night high atop his throne on Mt Brolympus! So far Broseph has booked the following matches-

  • Shelly Martinez VS Brittany Wonder in a falls count anywhere match!

  • El Flaco Loco VS Doc Atrocity to determine the Mayor of Hoodslam!

Last weeks show was 3 hours long, so more matches to be announced. We’ve been fucking the fans for 5 years now, so be sure to show up at the Oakland Metro Oct. 3rd for Fuck the Fans V: BROetic Justice!

October 3rd, 2014 doors 8:30, show 9pm
630 3rd Street, Oakland Metro Operahouse
$10 cover, 21&up, dontbringyourfnkids

Still Your Golden Gig Champion!

Holy $#@!, is Juiced Lee the most dominant champion to ever step into a Hoodslam arena? He must be, because he just defended the his title again against fan favorite Pooh Jack last Friday to retain the Golden Gig Championship! Pooh Jack is one of hoodslam’s toughest competitors who brings every weapon he can fit into a trashcan- kendo sticks, crutches, and assorted computer parts to smash his opponents whenever he appears in the ring. But last Friday Pooh Jack fought on an even playing field and ended up with his head bashed into a trashcan while Juiced Lee stomped onto him from the top-rope!

While Juice Lee has been known to rip the internal organs out of his opponents, he has the honor of the Golden Gig championship to uphold; so he joined the fans in showing respect for Pooh Jacks’ effort. Pooh Jack is just the latest wrestler to fall before Juiced Lee’s martial prowess; Dark Sheik, Drugz Bunny and Bat Manuel have all felt his rage. How many bodies must fall before he wins the respect of the Hoodslam fans? Since he is a fighting champion he will probably return Oct. 3rd for BROetic Justice!

Hoodslam: FTF V – BROetic Justice

October 3rd, 2014 doors 8:30, show 9pm
630 3rd Street, Oakland Metro Operahouse
$10 cover, 21&up, dontbringyourfnkids