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Drinko de Mayo – Backlash (May 2, 2014) Results

“Drinko de Mayo – Backlash”
Friday, May 2, 2014
Oakland, Calif. at the Oakland Metro Opera House
Paid attendance: 931

Special opening performance from the Beach Bum Alcoholics.

On this night, the Hoodslam Band was known as Penis Fly Trap.

Live commentary by “Broseph” Joe Brody (WWE Tough Enough’s A.J. Kirsch) and Butternuts.

(1) “The Mexican Werewolf” El Chupacabra (w/five months-pregnant Courtney Crimson) beat “The Hebrew Hammer” Joseph Schwartz with the “Adios Motherf—–” powerbomb, then crowd-surfed to the bar to celebrate his birthday with the fans.

(2) Bat Manuel & Lucha Magnifico beat Stoner U (The Stoner Brothers – Rick Scott Stoner & Scott Rick Stoner – w/Coach Joey Nuggs and Missy Hyas-sh–) when Bat Manuel hit a top-rope senton on Scott Rick Stoner.

(3) “The Russian Lover” Zangief beat Ken (w/Cammy featuring Cammy’s Ass) with a spinning piledriver.

(4) James C. beat “Super Barrio Brother” Jesus Cruz with a superkick to Cruz’s head as Cruz was on his knees.

Special performance from Nephilim, who will be performing at the birthplace of Hoodslam, the Victory Warehouse (2400 San Pablo in Oakland, Calif.) on Saturday, May 17. $5 cover.

(5) GAME OVER (P.O.N.G. [Pissed-Off Nerdy Gamer] & F.O.N.G. [F’n Obese Nerdy Gamer]) beat the Knights of the Roxbury (Johnny “Drinko” Butabi & Anthony Butabi) in a Japanese International Console-Wars Deathmatch of Doom when F.O.N.G. hit a big splash on Anthony Butabi with Butabi underneath a Nintendo Entertainment System, Xbox, a Sega Saturn, a Hylian shield, and a Nintendo Power Pad.

Following the match, Johnny “Drinko” Butabi announced that he was going sober and gluten free, and insisted on being referred to as “Johnathan Butabi.”

(6) Juiced Lee beat Sub-Zero (w/Princess Kitana and Queen Sindel) with a top-rope moonsault to retain the Golden Gig Championship. Prior to the conclusion of the match, Scorpion returned and distracted Sub-Zero. Princess Kitana hit a low blow on Sub-Zero, aligning herself with Scorpion.

(7) Doc Atrocity & Giggles the Clown beat “Ultragirl” Brittany Wonder & Drugz Bunny when James C., who joined “Broseph” Joe Brody on commentary during the match, hit the Drive-By Driver on Drugz Bunny behind the referee’s back.

(8) Virgil Flynn III beat Ryu with a 450-splash, immediately followed by the Cannonball senton, to retain the Best Athlete in the East Bay Award.

To see this and previous shows in their entirety, click HERE.

4/20 – In Our House: Beware of Dog 3 (April 20, 2014) Results

Commentary by Broseph Joe Brody

1. Coach Joey Nuggs w/Missy Hyasshit b. Bobby Burgerhands

2. Charlie Chaplin b. Anthony Butabi

3. The Stoner Brothers (Scott Rick and Rick Scott) & Trent Hemridge (w/ Coach Nuggs and Missy Hyasshit) went to a draw against The Commandos (D-Unit and T-Rent) & DeDe Badapple

4. Broseph Joe Brody lost the Easter Egg Hunt

5. Ultra-Toad Toady Toadstofferson d. Prawn Cena after a run in from Mr. Sandman

6. Lucha Magnifico & Jesus Kruz & Trent Butabi & Ultragirl Brittany Wonder went to a draw with Scott Rick & Rick Scott & Joey Nuggs & Missy Hyasshit & Pudoo the Cow after Pooh Jack attacked all participants, incuding Referee Rubang

Hoodslam – ENTERTANIA (April 4, 2014) Results

Hoodslam: EnterTania Results
April 4, 2014
Oakland, Calif. at the Oakland Metro Opera House
Paid attendance: 990

On this night, the Hoodslam Band was known as Mr. T…Bag.

Live commentary by “Broseph” Joe Brody (WWE Tough Enough’s A.J. Kirsch), and the returning “KG” Kevin Gill.

(1) Dixie Carter Memorial Lethal Lottery Battle Bowl Tournament tag team match: Ken & P.O.N.G. (Pissed Off Nerdy Gamer) beat PB&J Banana & Lucha Magnifico when Ken hit a Hadouken/Shoryuken combo on the PB&J Banana.

(2) Dixie Carter Memorial Lethal Lottery Battle Bowl Tournament tag team match: Bat Manuel & James C. (w/Stoney Montana) beat “Broseph” Joe Brody & Charlie Chaplin when Bat Manuel hit a Gore on Brody.

(3) Best Athlete in the East Bay Award: Virgil Flynn III beat Drugz Bunny with a 450-splash followed by the Cannonball senton to retain.

(4) Dixie Carter Memorial Lethal Lottery Battle Bowl Tournament tag team match: El Chupacabra (w/Courtney Crimson) & Big Van Faber beat “Ultragirl” Brittany Wonder & “The Russian Lover” Zangief when El Chupacabra hit the “Adios” on Brittany Wonder after Zangief left the ringside area.

(5) Loser Leaves Hoodslam for 90 Days: Doc Atrocity (w/U.S.A. – United Sideshows and Atrocities) beat the Mayor of Hoodslam El Flaco Loco with a schoolboy roll-up after blinding him with zombie sauce.

(6) Dixie Carter Memorial Lethal Lottery Battle Bowl Tournament four-way tag team match: the teams of Johnny Drinko Butabi & Rick Scott Stoner and Ryu & Scott Rick Stoner beat the teams of FONG (F’n Obese Nerdy Gamer) & Prawn Cena and Anthony Butabi & “Super Bario Brother” Jesus Cruz, which immediately led into…

(7) The Dixie Carter Memorial Lethal Lottery Battle Bowl: James C. (with Stoney Montana) beat Ken, PONG, Bat Manuel, El Chupacabra, Big Van Faber, Johnny Drinko Butabi, Rick Scott Stoner, Ryu, and Scott Rick Stoner to win the Dixie Carter Memorial Lethal Lottery Battle Bowl Tournament trophy, and the right to face any Hoodslammer at any event in any type of match over the next year.

(8) Golden Gig Championship: Juiced Lee (co-holder of the Golden Gig) beat DARK Sheik (co-holder of the Golden Gig) with a top-rope moonsault to become the undisputed Golden Gig Champion.

Monday Night Hoodslam: RAW IS ST PATRICKS DAY (March 17, 2014) Results

Commentary by Broseph Joe Brody

1. Stoner Brothers (Rick-Scott & Scott-Rick) & Coach Nuggs w/Missy Hyashit b. Knights of the Roxbury (Anthony and Johnny Drinko Butabi) & Ultragirl Brittany Wonder

2. Bill Coldbeer b. Dos Jobberos

3. Bill Coldbeer b. Jesus Kruz

4. “Enigmatic Charisma” Jardi Hardy b. James C w/Stoney Montana

5. Bat Manuel & Ryu b. Robby Phoenix & Virgil Flynn III in a Lethal Lottery Match

6. CJ Kurze b. Male ModelKay Jutler

7. Vampire Warrior Gangrel & Juiced Lee b. DARK Sheik & VooDoo Kaos w/ Jezebel

8. Original Gangsta Mustafa Saeed b. Joe DeSoul

Tonight is the night: ENTERTANIA!


Dixie Carter Memorial Lethal Lottery Battle Bowl!

Doc Atrocity vs El Flaco Loco in a “Loser Leaves Hoodslam” match!

Drugz Bunny takes on the “Best Athlete in the Bay” Virgil Flynn III!

Dark Sheik Vs. Juiced Lee for the GOLDEN GIG!


It all goes down tonight at the Oakland Metro!

Crossroads of Destiny – The Road to EnterTania (March 7, 2014) Results

Hoodslam Show Results
“Crossroads of Destiny – The Road to EnterTania”
Friday, March 7, 2014
Oakland, Calif. at the Oakland Metro Opera House
Paid attendance: 1,042

On this night, the Hoodslam Band was known as “The American Cream” Dusty Loads.

Live commentary by “Broseph” Joe Brody (WWE Tough Enough’s A.J. Kirsch), and the mayor of Hoodslam, El Flaco Loco.

(1) EL Chupacabra (w/Courtney Crimson) beat Drake Younger with the Adios powerbomb.

(2) Shelly Martinez (as “Bat Shelly,” w/Robin) & Bat Manuel beat Moshpit Mike & “Superhero” Kevin Douglas, Sexy Chino & Rocky Piñasco, Ken & Ryu, and Team GAME OVER (Pissed Off Nerdy Gamer & F’n Obese Nerdy Gamer) in a tag-team elimination gauntlet match.

(3) Sub-Zero (w/Queen Sindel and Princess Kitana) beat Zangief with the freeze/Lin Kuei uppercut combo after Sindel stunned Zangief with the sonic scream.

(4) The Stoner Brothers (Rick-Scott & Scott-Rick w/Coach Joey Nuggs and Missy High-as-S—) beat Manimal & Soundwave in a Smoklahoma Iron Lung Challenge.

(5) Drugz Bunny beat “Ultragirl” Brittany Wonder with the Coke Slam in the final of a best-of-three series to become the number one contender for the Best Athlete in the East Bay Award at EnterTania.

(6) DARK Sheik & Juiced Lee beat The Knights of the Roxbury (Johnny Drinko Butabi & Anthony Butabi) when Juiced Lee hit a springboard moonsault on Anthony Butabi to retain the Golden Gig. Immediately following the match, Mayor Flaco signed DARK Sheik vs. Juiced Lee for the Golden Gig as the main event at EnterTania.

(7) Virgil Flynn III beat James C. with the 450 splash to retain the Best Athlete in the East Bay award. As a result, Virgil Flynn III will defend his Best Athlete in the East Bay award against Drugz Bunny at EnterTania.

(8) El Flaco Loco & El Chupacabra & El Futurecabra beat United Sideshows and Atrocities (Doc Atrocity & Super Mutant Red Rhino 2099 & Big Van Faber) in a six-man tag match when El Flaco Loco pinned Doc Atrocity with a magistral cradle.

Following the match, Flaco challenged Doc Atrocity to a Loser Leaves Town match at EnterTania. Atrocity accepted.

– To see this and previous shows in their entirety, CLICK HERE.

– FYI: Hoodslam is a 21+ event and runs at the Oakland Metro Opera House every first Friday of the month and will return on St. Patrick’s Day (Monday, March 17) for Monday Night Hoodslam: Raw is St. Patrick’s Day. This leads into Hoodslam’s four-year anniversary show at the Oakland Metro Opera House on Friday, April 4 when Hoodslam presents EnterTania.