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Hoodslam: Non Denominational Winter Season Celebrational Festivity…of Doom…..DOS! (December 6, 2013) Results

Hoodslam Show Results
Friday, December 6, 2013
Oakland, Calif. at the Metro Opera House
Paid Attendance: 688

On this night, The Hoodslam Band was known as “Ejaculate Conception.” Live commentary by “Broseph” Joe Brody (WWE Tough Enough’s A.J. Kirsch) and El Flaco Loco.

(1) Best Athlete in the East Bay Award: Virgil Flynn III beat Soundwave with a 450 splash to retain.

(2) Golden Gig Championship: Dark Sheik & Juiced Lee beat The Stoner Brothers (Rick-Scott Stoner & Scott-Rick Stoner) with a top-rope splash/leg-drop combo.

(3) “Ultragirl” Brittany Wonder beat James with a roll-up with an assist from the PB&J Banana.

(4) P.O.N.G. (Pissed Off Nerdy Gamer) beat Scorpion with a roll-up when Sindel distracted Scorpion and Sub-Zero froze him from behind.

(5) Drugz Bunny beat F.O.N.G. (F’n Obese Nerdy Gamer) with a Chokeslam. P.O.N.G. and F.O.N.G., collectively known as “Game Over,” attacked Drugz Bunny after the match, which resulted in the arrival of Pooh Jack coming to Drugz’s aid to take out Game Over.

Special performance by Revolva.

(6) The Knights of the Roxbury (Johnny Drinko Butabi & Anthony Butabi) beat Ken & Ryu when Johnny Drinko Butabi pinned Ryu with an Okana roll.

(7) The team of Doc Atrocity & Dark Sheik & Super Mutant Red Rhino 2099 & El Chupacabra (w/Courtney Crimson) & Giggles the Clown beat Major Meathook & Corporal Clawhammer & Switchblade & Juiced Lee & Futurecabra when Doc Atrocity eliminated Futurecabra in a 5-on-5 over-the-top-rope elimination match.

To see this and previous shows in their entirety, check out

FYI: Hoodslam runs at the Oakland Metro Opera House every first Friday of the month and will return on Friday, January 3 for “Hoodslam: Last Year’s Resolution – The Sequel.” Follow Hoodslam on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube – all @Hoodslam. Website is


Results from


At the October Horrorslam event, a horrible truth was revealed: Doc Atrocity and DARK Sheik have joined forces. It’s no mystery why, it’s just confusing as shit HOW.

photo by Jesse Bowen

DARK Sheik, after quitting Hoodslam last June, made his return in September. But he wasn’t gone for three months – it was more like 86 years. Due to his twice dead (de)composition, the DARK Sheik survived through the decades, and met up with a twisted and deformed Doc Atrocity somewhere around the year 2099…

During the summer, the Doc Atrocity of 2013 was qutie busy, attempting to secure a guity verdict in the Trial of El Sparko. He was unsuccessful, as it was proven that JuggalOG Kevin Gill was the guilty culprit, and he was the one sent into exile. During the crazy caper, Resistances fighter from the future came back in time to stop Doc Atrocity IN 2013 so that he can’t fuck up their lives, and the world, in 2099 (by supposedly turning Hoodslam in a global corporate monster conglomerate…or whatever).

2099 Doc Atrocity is aware of their actions, and he sent back a doomsday device to defeat the heroic future fucks (his words, not mine). That doomsday device IS the returned DARK Sheik, and he has promised the Doc Atrocity of 2013 that all future business will be settled December 6th ath the Oakland Metro. Can these two ego maniacs trust each other? Will the resistance fighters of the future succeed in their mission? If they do, will they exist anymore? Cuz it’d be a boner to win and then just dissapear.


Year End Awards

For the first time ever, Hoodslam will be introducing “Year End Awards” and YOU the fans get to vote and make your voice heard. Here, we have categories from “Hoodslammer of the Year” to “Best Special Performance Act” with nominees in each category to help you choose from. Don’t like the nominees that are there? Then enter in WHO or WHAT should be named as a nominee. Think long and hard cause there was a lot of great and PHENOMENAL things that has happened from January and on. And you only get ONE chance to vote.

You must complete every single category and send your vote via email to before Tuesday Dec 31st to have your vote count. 

And here you go!

*Hoodslammer of the Year*
-Drugz Bunny
-DARK Sheik
-Virgil Flynn III
-Anthony Butabi
-El Chupacabra

*Match of the Year*

-Anthony Butabi vs Drake Younger (February)
-Drugz Bunny vs James C at Hoodslam: Love the Game (June)
-Virgil Flynn the 3rd vs Drake Younger at Hoodslam: 80’s For the Ladies II (November)
-Johnny “Drinko” Butabi vs Paul London (March)
-DARK Sheik (as Altair from Assassin’s Creed) vs “God of War” Kratos (June)

*Hoodslam Moment of the Year*

-Drugz Bunny winning the Battle Royal of Supremacy (August)
-Virgil Flynn III beating DARK Sheik to become the NEW Best Athlete in the East Bay (June)
-DARK Sheik returning to Hoodslam and then winning the Golden GiG with JUICED Lee (September)
-Brittany Wonder winning the 30-entity Battle Royal at FTF IV (October)
-TEAM Street Fighter (Ken & Ryu) vs The Stoner Bros (January)

*Best Hoodslam Entrance Theme* (Played by The Hoodslam Band)

-Otis the Gimp
-The Stoner Bros
-El Chupacabra
-DARK Sheik

*Best Hoodslam Entrance Theme* (NOT played by The Hoodslam Band)

-Virgil Flynn III
-Drugz Bunny
-Johnny “Drinko” Butabi
-“Ultra Girl” Brittany Wonder
-Anthony Butabi

*Best Hoodslam Band Name*

-José Queervo (May)
-Nudist Priest (November)
-Donkey Schlong (June)
-Trouser Snakes on a Plane (March)
-Gonorrhea in 60 Seconds (September)

*Best Team/Faction*

-The James Gang
-United Sideshows and Atrocities
-The Stoner Bros
-TEAM Street Fighter
-The Butabi Bros

*Most Hated Hoodslammer*

-James C
-Doc Atrocity
-“Broseph” Joe Brody
-Johnny “Drinko” Butabi

*Best Name for a Hoodslam Show*

-Boyz in the Hoodslam 3 – 37th Chamber
-Hoodslam 3 Year Anniversary: “I’ll ALWAYS Know What You Did Last Hoodslam”
-Hoodslam: Fuck the Fans IV: In Drugz We Trust
-Hoodslam: The Mayans Were Stupid – AKA Funeral for a Furry (January)
-Hoodslam: Battle Royal of Supremacy – Daze of Future Past

*Favorite Non Regular Hoodslammer*

-Shelly Martinez
-Mustafa Saed
-Brian Kendrick
-Drake Younger

*Favorite Street Fighter Character*

-E. Honda

*Favorite Mortal Kombat Character-

-Johnny Cage
-Sub Zero

*Best Special Performance Act*

-Displayed Labors Side Show
-Francine Dead
-D. Faust
-Cat Sweet

Hoodslam – 80’s For The Ladies II: Electric Boogaloo on Smart Mark Video

You can now watch Hoodslam – 80’s For The Ladies II: Electric Boogaloo via VOD or MP4 thanks to Smart Mark Video. For the very low price of $9.99. Relive the 1920’s Prohibition match, the BROpen Challenge and Match of the Year candidate Virgil Flynn III vs Drake Younger for the “EBX Best Athelete” Title. Follow the link, buy the awesomeness….FTF

Hoodslam: 80’s For The Ladies 2: Electric Boogaloo (November 1, 2013) Results

Hoodslam “80’s For The Ladies 2: Electric Boogaloo” results
Oakland Metro Operahouse in Oakland, CA
attendance: 650+
Hoodslam Band: Nudist Priest
Hosted by: Broseph Brody w/ guest: Caesar Black & Doc Atrocity

* “Vampire Warrior” Gangrel defeated Broseph Brody with an Impaler DDT in an impromptu “BROpen Challenge” match.

* Rocky 4 & “Karate Kid” Daniel San (Team 80’s Cinema) defeated Lil’ Mac & Toad (Team 80’s Nintendo) when Daniel “swept the leg.”

* EBX Best Athlete Virgil Flynn defeated “Psycho Shooter” Drake Younger in a Match Of The Year candidate.

* Knights Of The Roxbury (Anthony & Johnny Drinko Butabi) defeated Stoner Bros. (Rick-Scott & Scott-Rick), Doc Atrocity & El Chupacabra, Otis the Gimp & mystery partner Big Van Faber in a 4-way tag match.

* Golden Gig champions Dark Sheik & Juiced Lee defeated “Ultra Girl” Brittany Wonder & PBJ Banana.

* Drugz Bunny defeated James in a 1920’s Prohibition match to win exclusive rights to the James Gang’s theme music “Hotstepper.”

FTF IV: In Drugz We Trust

Want to relive the greatness that went down on October 4th at FTF IV?! Now you can! Head over to Smart Mark Video to download the entire show now! For just $9.99!

The results are up from the show on PWTorch and on our results page right here on Birds Will Fall. Plus! Pictures from our amazing photographers and fans are circulating the internet! Check out our album from Gabriel Hurley on our Facebook page!

As always George Asencio took a bunch of outstanding pictures for us too! Click here to see the full album.


Plus even more pictures from our fans!