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80’s for the Ladies 2: Electric Boogaloo

That’s right, last year it was so nice we knew we’d have to do it twice! It’s the return of 80’s night! Yeah, 80s! You remember all that cool stuff, right? Reagan! The Cold War! Acid Wash Jeans! Cheers Spinoffs!…well, all those things kinda sucked. But there WAS good stuff, and we’re gonna celebrate it. Like shoulderpads and hairspray! Leopard print and 8-bit! And an attitude that our world dominance will only continue to grow while others adore us, and that theirs no chance a generation of loser do nothings could ever mess up our economy or sense of patriotism! FTF!

Live free or die Coked up

Life has been up and down for Drugz Bunny lately. In June, he agreed that if he lost to James C. he would get back in line within the James Gang. He did, and the last few months were hell for him – with the exception that he won August’s Battle Royal of Supremacy and would get to dictate the matches in October. But instead of using his powers to torment his boss James C., they made a deal. Drugz would allow James to team with him to battle for the Golden Gig IF AND ONLY IF he was released from the James Gang. If they won, they’d then fight each other for the Gig. Welp, they didn’t. And now, James C. and Drugz Bunny have one more brawl between them. It’s been dubbed a prohibition match, and while nobody knows exactly what that means, we do know that it will inexplicably take place at 80’s for the Ladies 2, and this Bunnymen and 1920’s Gangster have one last ass beating to hand out to each other.

Brittany Wonder did it!

She outlasted 29 other entities in Octobers Royal Rumble of Ranking Ramifications and is now officially the number one contender for the Golden Gig! What epicness! What courage. On November 1st, at 80’s for the Ladies 2: Electric Boogaloo, Brittany will become the first female to EVER fight for our championship, but she won’t do it alone. Our current holders of the Golden Gig are the frenemy team of DARK Sheik and Juiced Lee. Which means Brittany is gonna have to pick herself a partner between now and November…but WHOM will it be?

Hoodslam: Fuck the Fans IV (October 4, 2013) Results

Hoodslam: Fuck the Fans IV – In Drugz We Trust
Friday, October 4, 2013
Oakland Metro Opera House
Oakland, CA
Paid attendance: 737

On this night, the Hoodslam Band was known as “Freddie Splooger.” Live commentary by “Broseph” Joe Brody (WWE Tough Enough’s A.J. Kirsch) and El Flaco Loco.

1.     Sub-Zero (with Sindel) def. Scorpion via pinfall with a freeze-uppercut combo.

2.     Super Mutant Red Rhino 2099 BLACK def. Major Meathook via pinfall with a Gore. As stipulated by “boss for a day” Drugz Bunny, if Super Mutant Red Rhino 2099 BLACK wins, he then has to face his own creator, Doc Atrocity in the Super Mutant Red Rhino 2099 Challenge.

3.     Super Mutant Red Rhino 2099 Challenge: Super Mutant Red Rhino 2099 BLACK def. Doc Atrocity via pinfall with a chokeslam.

4.     Tag team match: The Stoner Bros (Rick-Scott and Scott-Rick) def. the team of “Ultra Girl” Brittany Wonder and Anthony Butabi via pinfall with a Rizz Bomb on Brittany Wonder.

 5.     “Best Athlete in the East Bay” Virgil Flynn III def. Johhny “Drinko” Butabi via pinfall with a 450 splash to retain the “Best Athlete in the East Bay” award.

6.     Tag team match for the Golden Gig: the team of DARK Sheik and JUICED Lee def. The James Gang (Drugz Bunny and James C.) via pinfall with a tandem top-rope splash/leg-drop on Drugz Bunny.

7.     Special performance by Bloody Betty.

8.     “Ultra Girl” Brittany Wonder won a 30-entity over-the-top-rope battle royal to become number one contender for the Golden Gig, outlasting the following competitors:

– Johnny “Drinko” Butabi

– “The Russian Lover” Zangief

– PONG (Pissed Off Nerdy Gamer)

– Anthony Butabi

– “Mexican Werewolf” El Chupacabra (with Courtney Crimson)

– “Super Barrio Brother” Jesus Cruz

– PB&J Banana

– Ryu

– Heisenberg

– Scorpion

– Soundwave

– FONG (Fucking Obese Nerdy Gamer)

– Killer Clown from Outer Oakland BOTCHy

– Ken

– Doc Atrocity

– Rick-Scott Stoner

– Major Meathook

– Killer Clown from Outer Oakland GiGgles

– Mega Man

– Scott-Rick Stoner

– Super Tiger

– Eddy Gordo

– Mr. Hoodslam 2

– Virgil Flynn III

– Prawn Cena

– Butternuts

– Otis the Gimp

– Referee Guido

– Pooh Jack

Watch Fuck the Fans IV: In Drugz We Trust in its entirety on SmartMark Video for only $9.99! Click here:

Hoodslam returns to the Oakland Metro Opera House on Friday, November 1 for 80s for the Ladies II – Electric Boogaloo.

Follow Hoodslam on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, all @Hoodslam.

In the wake of Hoodslam: Fanarchy Rulez

Did you know:

Last show Dark Sheik returned & we crowned new Golden Gig Champions?!

These guys! Dark Sheik & Juiced Lee

Bushwhacker Luke made his debut?!

The Trial of El Sparko came to a conclusion?!The shocking truth about Panthers assassination was revealed?!

It was KG the whole time proving El Sparko’s innocence and leading to KG being exiled from Hoodslam!

Plus! The good news that we all survived Doc Atrocity’s Doomsday Device….since it was empty, but his battle with those future fucks continues!

Of course you did. EVERYONE was there. But you can read and share this link to the results on to relive and spread the memories.

Check out all of the pictures from Fanarchy Rulez from Jesse Bowen & George Asencio on Facebook now!


And in just over a week, Drugz Bunny finally gets to be boss for the day at FTF IV: In Drugz We Trust!



Hoodslam: Fanarchy Rulez (September 6, 2013) Results

Hoodslam: Fanarchy Rulez Results
Friday, September 6, 2013
Oakland, Calif. at Oakland Metro Opera House
Paid attendance: 852

On this night, the Hoodslam Band was known as “Gonorrhea in 60 Seconds.” Live commentary by “Broseph” Joe Brody (WWE Tough Enough’s A.J. Kirsch).

(1) “Best Athlete in the East Bay” Title match: Virgil Flynn III beat El Chupacabra (w/Courtney Crimson and Doc Atrocity) with a top-rope 450 splash to retain.

(2) Street Fighter II’s Ken (w/Cammy and Cammy’s Ass) beat Mortal Kombat’s Scorpion with a Hadoken-Shoryuken combo after Sub-Zero and Sindel distracted Scorpion.

(3) Six-Man tag-team match for the Golden Gig: “The Weed Whackers” (former WWE Superstar Bushwhacker Luke) & Golden Gig Champions The Stoner Brothers beat The Knights of the Roxbury (Johnny Drinko Butabi & Anthony Butabi) & Step-daddy Roscoe Butabi when Bushwhacker Luke hit a spear on Stepdaddy Roscoe Butabi to retain the Golden Gig.

(4) Doc Atrocity beat Otis the Gimp after Doc Atrocity’s United Sideshows and Atrocities (USA) clowns interfered with a top-rope senton. Doc Atrocity then attempted to unleash his doomsday device on Hoodslam, only to find that it was gone (or escaped). Livid and embarrassed, Doc Atrocity suddenly resumed the trial of El Sparko, who was charged with crimes against Hoodslam. “KG” Kevin Gill, the other half of the Hoodslam commentary team, emerged from the crowd and revealed that he was the one who assassinated the Pink Panther. In light of this revelation, El Sparko was ruled innocent and KG accepted his punishment: exile from Hoodslam.

(5) 10-man tag team match: The Resistance (Major Meathook & Corporal Clawhammer & Colonel Boltcutter & Lieutenant Bonesplitter & Mr. Hoodslam 8) beat Chicano Flame & “Super Barrio Brother” Jesus Cruz & “Ultragirl” Brittany Wonder & Soundwave & Drugz Bunny after James C. left the commentary position and superkicked Drugz Bunny behind the referee’s back.

(6) F.O.N.G. (F’n Obese Nerdy Gamer) beat PB&J Banana with a big splash.

(7) Juiced Lee beat James C., Street Fighter II’s Ryu, Cerebrus, Sub-Zero (w/Sindel), and Charlie Chaplin in a Six Sides of Suicide elimination match when Juiced pinned James C. with a victory roll. The winner became the number one contender for the Stoner Brothers’s Golden Gig.

(8) Juiced Lee & returning DARK Sheik beat The Stoner Brothers after a top-rope moonsault from Juiced Lee to become the new Golden Gig Champions in an impromptu match.

Photos from Hoodslam: In Our House – Victory at Last

Thanks to George Asencio and Jesse Bowen we have some amazing pictures from our return to Victory on August 16, 2013. In Our House – Victory at Last was our first FTFanclub Member only show. If you’re not a member yet but don’t want to miss out on any more exclusive fanclub perks, get your membership here!

You can see the rest of the pictures on GeorgeAsencioDesigns on Facebook!


Jesse Bowen’s 227 reasons for you to join the FTFanclub are here!