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We’ve got NEW Champions!

Things are happening in the FTF-Universe, and we’re here to catch you all up! FIRSTLY, at 5/5 SCHISM we saw Allie Katch and MacDaddy M Y L O both score the pin on defending champion JTG. Thusly, Referee Nuk Nuk Johnson erred on the side of history and awarded a Golden Fannypack to each competitor.

Later that night, we saw Joey Janela make his Hoodslam debut and main event against defending Captain of the Champion Ship Johnny Butabi. After an intense battle, the 11 month reign would come to an end and the Champion Ship would have a second ever and NEW CAPTAIN, Captain Joseph Janela.

In Las Vegas on 5/26/23 Wrestling Tender After Dark aka Tombstone Polydriver, it was technically after midnight when the Stoner Brothers defeated InterGalactic Tag Team Champions Vipress and DARK Sheik, putting an end to their short but saucy reign.

Later yet that very same EVE(MORN?), Allie Katch and M Y L O played Double or Nothing! Both put their Fannypacks on the line and it was 1/3 of Thrussy and 1/2 of Bussy and 2/1 of Best Athlete when Allison hit the pussy piledriver to pick up the win and once more unify sports, declaring ACKNOWLEDGE ME skajajakaja she the one.

ok you’re caught up, watch this stuff on FITE+ STREAMED HAMS

results: 5/26/23 TOMBSTONER POLYDRIVER: Wrestling Tender After Dark

Hoodslam 5/26/23 Tombstone Polydriver results from the Silver Nugget Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event live streamed on FITE+.

  1. Drugz Bunny def EFFY
  2. Johnny Butabi vs Cereal Man ends in a double pin
  3. Intergalactic Tag Team Championship Match: Stoner Brothers def Vipress and DARK Sheik (c) to become the new Intergalactic Tag Team Champions
  4. Unification Match for the Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fanny Pack Championship: Allie Katch (c) def Mac Daddy MYLO (c)
  5. Trish Adora def Anton Voorhees
  6. Champion Ship: Captain Joseph Janela (c) def El Chupacabra to retain the Champion Ship

results: 05/05/23 SCHISM

Hoodslam 5/5/23 Schism results from 300 Block of Castro St. in Oakland, California. The event live streamed on FITE+.

  1. Da Squaaa [Kenny K/ Hop Daddy/Alpha Zo] def. The New Dawgz [Marcelo Montoya and Joey Gonzo] and Richard Shhhhhhhhnary
  2. The CAUTION (Dark Sheik & Anton Voorhees) with mystery partner Allie Katch def. Emo Heads (Brooke Havok, Alan Angels and Emo Brutal Rob Hands)
  3. Glampionship Match: Brittney Wonder (c) def. Trish Adora to retain the Glampionship
  4. The BOOM Gang [Rick Stoner/ Scott Stoner/ James] C def El Chupacabra, Juice Lee and Drugz Bunny
  5. 4-way Scramble for the Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fanny Packs Championship: Mac Daddy M Y L O and Allie Katch def Bart Man and JTG (c) as they get a double pin and they each leave with one of the Golden Fanny Packs
  6. Joey Janela def Captain Johnny Butabi to become new Captain of the Champion Ship

results: 04/16/23 Big Trouble, Little Reno

Hoodslam presents: Big Trouble in Little Reno

  1. Joe DeSoul defeated Cruzador 777
  2. Neil the Thrill defeated Pooky Dave Reckoning and Austin Ames in a fatal fourway
  3. Marcelo Montoya and Joey Gonzo defeated Frank Lee Gorgeous and Dreamy Drew
  4. The Stoner Brothers defeated Joey Smoak and EMO Rob Hands
  5. El Chupacabra defeated APB and SuperBeast in a Triple threat
  6. Anton Voorhees defeated JMM
  7. Brittany Wonder defended the GLAMpionship against Amira

5/5/23 hood/slam SCHISM


With all the trauma our Hoodslammers have faced, it only makes sense for them to fracture into their own groups. Which group will survive this SCHISM?

Returning to Hoodslam after defending the Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fannypacks around the world, it is JTG J THA GAWD. He puts his title on the line against 3 other opponents to be determined in a FATAL FOURWAY FOR THE FANNYS.

The EMO HEADS Brooke Havok, Allen Angels and Emo Brutal Rob Hands have struck first blood! But now… CAUTION TIME. The call is answered by DARK Sheik and Anton Voorhees and a partner to be decided (Vipress was busy :/)!

Trish Adora has earned the right by combat: She is next in line to challenge Brittany Wonder for the title Brittany has proudly held and defended since June 4th, 2022 – the GLAMPIONSHIP.

What’s up, its D-Rogue!

After the end of Fallen Idols, we’ve seen battle lines drawn. El Chupacabra, Drugz Bunny and Juice Lee on one side, and a reformed James Gang consisting of The Stoner Brothers and the titular James C on the other. On 5/5 its a 3v3, LETS CROSS THE LINE BLUUAGHHHH

And in our main event probably, The Captain of the Champion SHIP Johnny Butabi puts it all on the line against the debuting Bad Boy Joey Janela! He’s wanted to be in Hoodslam for years, but who’s got their hooks in whoom?

GO TO SCHISM, on 3rd x Broadway outside and with Oakland Metro Operahouse, $25 tickets, for the love of jtg the gawd don’tbringyourfnkids


Or watch on FITE like most likely, we kinda just made the graphic before they said yes or no

RESULTS: Fallen Idols 04/08/23

From Continental Club Oakland, 4/8/23
Hosted by Veda Scott and Broseph Joe Brody
Referees Wiggles and Nuk Nuk Johnson

1. Brittany Wonder defeated Richard Shhhnary, Lara Frazier and DARK Sheik in a fatal fourway to retain the GLAMpionship

Wonder Dave would then come to the ring to eulogize those who had lost their lives at 3/3/23’s Fall of the Hoodslammer: Bat Manuel, PONG, Glorious Banana and Sweet Boone. Brutal Rob Hands would become emotional during the event, and cause a scene that could only be diffused by the emo hug of the visiting D-Torch, who showed up for some reason.

2. Brooke Havok defeated Anton Voorhees in an EMO RULES Match after Allen Angels interfered. The CAUTION would confront Brooke and Allen about this, but were then attacked by the updated EMO BRUTAL Rob Hands. Emo Brutal would then embrace the Emo Heads and leave with them in hopes to learn how to better control his emotions.

3. Da Squaaad [Kenny K – D-Rogue – Hop Daddy] defeated Cereal Man – Joey Gonzo – Marcelo Montoya (who I guess we’re calling NEW DAWGS)

4. Vipress defeated Maki Itoh after DARK Sheik interfered

5. Trish Adora defeated MacDaddy M Y L O to earn the right to challenge for the GLAMpionship at 5/5/23 SCHISM

6. El Chupacabra (accompanied by Okami) defeated James C, after the Stoner Brothers interfered and betrayed El Chupacabra and aligned with James to reform the James Gang but then Juice Lee came out and helped Chupy but eventually the numbers were too much so Drugz Bunny showed up and all 6 kinda fought around and I think Okami hair whipped a stoner brother in the eye somewhere and then Chupy won.

This Is Real #10: DRUGZ BUNNY v D-Rogue

See any wrestling last week? We heard there was a show or two… in case you missed it in in all the hubbla, here’s our tenth installment!

Ten ten 321… From I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST HOODSLAM 1/15/23: Broseph Joe Brody and Wonder Dave provide commentary on a triple threat match for the CHAMPION SHIP as Captain Johnny Butabi defends against James C and El Chupacabra! From THE LAST TIME WE WERE HAPPY TOGETHER 2/5/23: With Commentary by Wonder Dave and Veda Scott [!], its a San Francisco [s]TREAT FIGHT: The Rabbit with a Habit Drugz Bunny takes on Da Squaaads D-Rogue!