Hosted by Broseph Joe Brody
The show began with HBKen trying to convince El Bart-Man to join the Whoa Whoa Dojo at a special introductory offer, but he declined.
1. Sensei Nuggs v El Bart-Man
Post match, Steven Tresario came to the ring and told El Bart-Man that he, much like him, just needed someone to believe in him, and that he appreciated Bart-Man.
2. FunnyBone defeated WATTS
Matt Carlos and D-Rogue, who’ve helped each other a lot in the past, agree to have a friendly match for the Championship, with no cheating or interference.
3. D-Rogue defeated Hidden Gem Matt Carlos to retain the Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fannypacks after Da Squaaad interfered.
DARK Sheik again tried to question her co holder of the Intergalactic Tag Team Championship Juice Lee, but were interrupted by The Stoner Brothers who correctly mentioned that the two had not defended the titles once since winning them in late November. In spite of the Da Squaaad being told they have the next shot, the Stoner Brothers wanted to cut in, and DARK Sheik and Juice Lee were inclined to agree.
4. DARK Sheik/Juice Lee v Stoner Brothers for Intergalactic Tag Team Championship ended in a draw when Da Squaaad attacked both teams and stole the Tag Team Championship Titles.
5. Simone Sherie defeated Thicc Martel
6. Richard Shhhnary v Brutal Rob Hands ended oddly. Scott Rick Stoner, still claiming to have seen a vision of torment for Brutal Rob Hands. After making physical contact with Brutal using his “dead hand”, he saw that Brutal would injure himself coming off the top rope. Seeing Brutal climb up, he ran to the ring to stop him. Brutal shoved him, and he accidentally touched Richard Shhhnary. Shocked, he told Shhhnary that he saw a vision of Shhhnary’s severed head – probably caused by the now Sour Boone. Shhhnary left the ring without a definitive fall ever happening.
James C and Brutal Rob Hands – perhaps confused by always on topic – let the fans know that its all the same to them because they are two unstoppable giants, and its the 20s again – their year! This brought out Da Squaaad, who kinda think its their year.
7. James C v Kenny K ended in a no contest after Da Squaaad, Juice Lee, DARK Sheik, Matt Carlos and Pooh Jack interfered. DARK Sheik and Juice Lee reclaimed their Intergalactic Tag Team Championship.