Category Archives: Uncategorized

Cruel Summer is this SUNDAY 7/2 in SF!

Day drinking at its best!  Sundays 3 pm Hoodslam is bringing a full crew to do what we do and as only we can do it to you.  Whoo!  Broseph Joe Brody will be on commentary, joined by the incomparable Wonder Dave!  Also, live music by all female Oingo Boingo cover band OINGA BOINGA!  Also… WRESTLING, go figure.  These matches have been announced!  More to come!  Presales on DNA Lounge website right here right meow!

Samara debuts against Best Athlete in the East Bay Brittany Wonder
Samara debuts against Best Athlete in the East Bay Brittany Wonder


El Chupacabra goes one on one with Nurse Ratchet
El Chupacabra goes one on one with Nurse Ratchet

Hoodslam at Stockton Sinister CreatureCon!



June 10th and 11th are Sinister days in Stockton! But in a good way, because the Creature Con came to town and they invited us too!  We schmoozed, flyered, hung out with cosplayers, even made it on the big screen! It was nice to share a building with the Dream Warriors!  Maybe next year we can bring a ring…


Thats right, the man will be in the house for Hoodslam: WUBBALUBBADUBDUB ! If you missed his surprise appearance last month, FEAR NOT!  Not only can you see him live in Oakland, but heres his debut at ENTERTANIA VII from our youtube channel!  Subscribe, share, consume consume consume.




Its here! We’re excited, how about you? Down a drink, burn a bowel and soak it in through the lens of a whiskey tinged smokeful Oakland eve! Or if youre not in to that, just jump in. Its a bunch of cool stuff regardless, prep isnt really necessary.




Hoodslam: EnterTania VII


Friday, April 7, 2017

Oakland Metro Opera House

Oakland, CA

Paid attendance: ???


Live commentary by “Broseph” Joe Brody.


Tonight’s musical guest was Seven Years in TiButt


EnterTania pre-show


1. Rock the Promo championship: “Broseph” Joe Brody (champion) def. #FormerlyCreative John Carle, former WWE writer to retain the Rock the Promo championship.


2. Stoner U showcase match: Superbeast def. Richard Shhhnary.


EnterTania VII


1. C.M. Punk Memorial Lethal Lottery Battle Bowl Tag Team Tournament match: Virgil Flynn III and Fucking Obese Nerdy Gamer (F.O.N.G.) def. Brittany Wonder and Anthony Butabi to advance to the C.M. Punk Memorial Lethal Lottery Battle Bowl later in the evening.


2. C.M. Punk Memorial Lethal Lottery Battle Bowl Tag Team Tournament match: “The Dark Noche” Bat Manuel, Laura James, and “Super Barrio Brother” Jesus Kruze def. “Brutal” Rob Hands, Ken, and “The Russian Party Machine” Zuta to advance to the C.M. Punk Memorial Lethal Lottery Battle Bowl later in the evening.


3. American Bad Ass Scorpiundertaker (with Kitana Durst) def. Prawn Cena.


4. C.M. Punk Memorial Lethal Lottery Battle Bowl Tag Team Tournament match: Rick-Scott Stoner and Ryu (with Cammy and Cammy’s Ass) def. “The Mexican Werewolf” and “The Insane Luchador” Super Crazy to advance to the C.M. Punk Memorial Lethal Lottery Battle Bowl later in the evening.


5. Career vs. Fannypacks match for the Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fannypacks: “The Talent” Ean Hancement (representing The Caution [CAUTION!]) def. Johnny “Drinko” Butabi to become the new Best Athlete in the East Bay.


6. C.M. Punk Memorial Lethal Lottery Battle Bowl Tag Team Tournament match: JUICED Lee, Scott-Rick Stoner, and Drugz Bunny def. Coach Joey Nuggs, James C., and “The Pumpkin Queen” Sage Sin Supreme to advance to the C.M. Punk Memorial Lethal Lottery Battle Bowl immediately following this match.


7. C.M. Punk Memorial Lethal Lottery Battle Bowl Championship over-the-top-rope battle royal: Drugz Bunny def. Virgil Flynn III, Fucking Obese Nerdy Gamer (F.O.N.G.), “The Dark Noche” Bat Manuel, Laura James, “Super Barrio Brother” Jesus Kruze, Rick-Scott Stoner, Ryu Roddy Piper, and Scott-Rick Stoner to become the C.M. Punk Memorial Lethal Lottery Battle Bowl Tag Team Tournament champion. JUICED Lee sustained an injury in the previous match and could not compete.


8. Japanese Console-War Deathmatch for the Golden Gig: Pissed Off Nerdy Gamer (P.O.N.G., with F.O.N.G., representing Team GAME OVER) def. Mecha Cereal Man (with Doctor Frederick Allbran of Cereal Industries) to retrain the Golden Gig.


Got pics or vids from the show? Post them with #hoodslam


You can watch a live stream of every first Friday show, and get every Hoodslam ever recorded on-demand, by subscribing to the Hoodslam YouTube channel for $1.99/month (includes free two week trial). Search “Hoodslammery” on YouTube.


Hoodslam runs at the Oakland Metro Opera House every first Friday of the month and will return on Friday, may 5 for Hoodslam: Wubba Lubba Dub Dub. Tickets available now:


Follow Hoodslam on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, all @hoodslam.


Hoodslam is a 21+ event. DON’T BRING YOUR FUCKING KIDS!

Ean Hancement v Johnny Drinko : Career v Fannypacks

Johnny Drinko vs Ean Hancement at Entertania VII
Johnny Drinko vs Ean Hancement at Entertania VII

One of the more twisted tales we’ve been told to tell, so goes the story of what may be the end of The CAUTION (CAUTION).


Ean Hancement, Anton Voorhees and DARK Sheik were 3/3rds of the most arm breaking group in Hoodslam history. Batmanuel, El Sparko, Juiced Lee, Charlie Chaplin: all had to take a broken wing and learn to fly again. Ean and Sheik held a firm grip on The Best Athlete in the Eastbay Golden Fannypacks. Anton had his sights on the Golden Gig.


But as swiftly as the tides rises, it breaks and pulls back; DARK Sheik was revealed to be a broken robot, built to resemble the original Sheik who’d been lost in the dimensional portal accidentally created by Doc Atrocity 4 years ago. Johnny Drinko and Anton Voorhees battled over the Gig so often, they both focused on each other and neither could dethrone the Champions, Drugz Bunny or subsequently PONG. The Best Athlete Award was lost, and the finish line to the Golden Gig rapidly diminished in the horizon…


Anton, coming to terms with his partners robotic shortcomings, agreed to a deal with Doc Atrocity: he would hand deliver the Best Athlete Fannypacks, and the Dr would fix the inoperative DARK Sheik to function once more. Anton would win the Fannypacks, but before they could be delivered, they were stolen by Johnny Drinko. With no physical title, Doc decreed the deal incomplete.


Im a fit of madness, Anton hurled himself through Doc Atrocity’s dimensional portal, in an insane attempt to find the original organic DARK Sheik that had been lost to the multiverse 4 years ago. Doc could retrieve him, he told Ean, but he still wants those Fannypacks.


Johnny Drinko delighted in the mental collapse of his enemy Anton. He relished in the breakdown of the robotic DARK Sheik. Without wrestling a match, he had won the silent war with The CAUTION. Except one last thread…or third.


Ean Hancement finds himself in a pickle; he must attain Fannypacks to either fix his robotic mentor or return his human friend- Doc Atrocity will only do one favor. But first he must get Drinko to return the Golden Fannypacks – technically still belonging to absent-from-this-dimension Anton Voorhees. Johnny Drinko made another deal: he’ll return the Fannypacks to Ean so he can make his choice IF Ean beats Drinko at Entertania VII.


But if Drinko wins, Ean must leave Hoodslam, and The CAUTION will be erased forever…gone with the tide.


Batmanuel - FONG - Laura James - Ryu - Coach Joey Nuggs
Batmanuel – FONG – Laura James – Ryu – Coach Joey Nuggs


Brittany Wonder - Virgil Flynn III - Scott Rick Stoner - Bobby Burgerhands - Juiced Lee
Brittany Wonder – Virgil Flynn III – Scott Rick Stoner – Bobby Burgerhands – Juiced Lee


Thats 15 total! The last 5 will be revealed live in the ring, when it happens!  Many familiar faces, a couple fresh one too! What a neat world we live in. But who will win the living embodiment of manifest destiny, the CM PUNK Memorial Trophy?