Category Archives: Uncategorized

80s for the Ladies: Rock till you Drop, Rock Rock NEVER STOP


Tickets for Hoodslam: 80s For The Ladies (Rock till you drop rock rock never stop) are available NOW:


As if Hoodslam’s tribute to all things 80s wasn’t gonna be amazing enough, we’re psyched as fuck to announce that you will feast your eyes on a breathtaking performance by one of the bay’s most beautiful burlesque bombshells, JonBenet Butterbuns!


Doesn’t matter how cold it is outside. On Friday, November 18, the Oakland Metro Operahouse is gonna be hot as fuck.





Tomorrow is the WALKING PHOENIX in Oakland, CA but take a trip down memory lane to two weeks ago and witness this HIGHlight reel of BLOODSLAM!

And if that whistles your wets, sign up on  for just 1.99 a month to see this full event on demand, as well as everything else we do and competently film!  Our full event Hoodslammery YouTube channel comes with a 14 day free trial, and some day you’ll have to pay a lot more for this stuff, so get’em while they’re hot and desperate.


By way of Finland, Ricky Vendetta

received_1203399473016374Word that the Golden Gig is up for grabs has spread both far AND wide: all the way to Ricky Vendetta of Finland!  This fierce competitor begins his first tour of the United States in Oakland, CA – and aims to make a big splash by becoming the King of Mount Hoodslam on his first day in the hemisphere October 7th, at Fuck the Fans VII !

No stranger to combat, Ricky Vendetta has battled across Europe – most extensively with Fight Club Finland. He is also a former tag team partner of DARK Sheik, during his own tours in 2013. Please engage this YouTube reel provided us so as to familiarize yourself with our soon to be arriving friend -or foe- from a far.




The road to the seventh annual Fuck the Fans has been treacherous… for performers AND staff! It all happened so quickly…


In the midst of August’s Battle Royal of Supremacy, our humble referee Guido crossed over from non-violent participant to active combatant after seeing the Butabis attack a referee who tried to stop them from cheating. His furious flurry of fists would quickly be overcome by the Butabi brothers (Anthony and Johnny Drinko), but his interruption started a chain of events that somehow led to him being the last man standing in the ring- and in control of FTF 7.










But heavy is the head that wears the crown, and – as is tradition in Hoodslam- revenge is swift.  The Butabis brothers approached Referee Guido face to face and told him they weren’t too impressed by his win, leading to Guido saying some not too nice words himself. In the end, both Anthony and Johnny Drinko Butabi resorted to fisticuffs, and laid out our stoned official.










Referee Guido, perhaps enraged , then made a daring proclamation ; at Fuck the Fans VII he will personally fight at Hoodslam for the first time ever – Against Johnny Drinko Butabi!  Shit is on like neckbone.



In August, Drugz Bunny was defeated for this most coveted of prizes – but by three entities at once.


Shotzi Blackheart of the New U, Anton Voorhees of The Caution and Johnny Drinko Butabi of the Knights of the Roxbury – none of whom were willing to share the award with the others.


In September a triple threat match was held to choose a single champion. By the time of the main event, however, all referees had been wounded in service. Drugz Bunny, the now former champion, would Don the referee shirt and officiate the battle.


But his temper would get the best of him, and he couldn’t help but get involved. After personally incapacitating all combatants, Drugz would declare himself the winner and leave with the Golden Gig!… but that shit doesn’t count.


Thusly, at Fuck the Fans 7, the annual number 1 contender 30 entity Royal Rumble of Ranking Ramifications has been altered! At the six year anniversary of the Golden Gig, it will be awarded to the winner of the Rumble- as it originally was in 2011.


History is in the making, October 7th, the two month vacancy ends, and a new Golden Gig Championship will be crowned.

Rock the BROMO Challenge FINALS

Our little Broseph is all growns up… what was once a gymrat douche doused in axe doing commentary for an underground party wrestledeathmachine has metamorphasized within a Brocoon and grown his brotterfly wings and we’re proud to say he’s now become a gymrat douche doused in axe who also goes to the finals in Las Vegas!


Judged personally by his old Tough Enough co-star Dwayne the Rock Johnson (The Tooth Fairy, 2010) , Broseph must now fill ONE WHOLE MINUTE with talking to win. Those who’ve been to the event or watched on our YouTube channel know how difficult for our brother this might be.  But if he can somehow Brovercome, he will be awarded a friggin sweet Rock the Promo Championship golden title belt – the classiest of ways to keep up those awful orange shorts he always wears.


fb_img_1474905595437Hoodslam had the honor of performing THERE throbbing sets at the most massive leather and dick festival any of us have ever seen! Here’s how it went down;

Commentary provided by Broseph Joe Brody and Wonder Dave

Set 1:

1. Coach Nuggs defeated Richard Shhhhhnary

2. The Stoner Brothers defeated Hayward Heat

3. PBJ Banana fought Bobby Burgerhands

4. Russian Lover Zangev and Harley Quinn defeated Anthony Butabi and Brittany Wonder

Set 2:

1. Pooh Jack defeated Richard Shhhhhnary

2. Anthony Butabi defeated Russian Lover Zangev

3. Brittany Wonder defeated Harley Quinn

4. The Stoner Brothers defeated Coach Nuggs and Bobby Burgerhands

Set 3:

1. Pooh Jack defeated Rob Banks

2. Anthony Butabi, Brittany Wonder and The Stoner Brothers defeated Zangev, Richard Shhhhhnary, DARK Sheik and Coach Nuggs


Photos of the event courtesy of Bear Z Bub can be seen here on fakebucks.


See ya next year! Look forward to the hang out with the wang out.