11/4 IS OUR LAST OUTDOOR EVENT OF THE YEAR and we’re going out in a blaze of gory.
The full card has been set, the match waits to be struck, tickets are available on eventbrite!
MacDaddy M Y L O has won the annual FTF Royal Rumble of Ranking Ramifications and thusly has earned her prize at November 4ths INFERNO
For the Golden GiG:
– He Who Holds the Golden GiG – Pissed Off Nerdy Gamer PONG defends against MacDaddy M Y L O
- High Priestess of the Church of Wrestling DARK Sheik v Mexican Werewolf El Chupacabra
– Vipress vs Drugz Bunny
– Link to the Future Anton Voorhees vs Richard Shhhnary
– its a Squaaaad off! Hop Daddy Hip Hop Harry vs Alpha Zo with Special Referee… D-Rogue?!!
– The Champion Ship and all the Seven Seas are on the line, as Captain Johnny Butabi sets course to take 3 Time Golden GiG Champion Juice Lee!
Finally, irrevocably, monumentally its…
- James C vs Broseph Joe Brody