FTF 2023, in conjunction with Oakland Metro Operahouse, on the godamn street at 3rd and Castro
Hosted by Broseph Joe Brody, Referees Nuk Nuk Johnson and Wiggles
- Sawyer Wreck defeated Brutal Rob Hands to retain the Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fannypacks
- Jaguar Montoya defeated Cereal Man when Special Referee Joey Gonzo pinned Cereal Man and Jaguar Montoya counted to 3, you figure it out.
- The Stoner Brothers and James C defeated Anton Voorhees, DARK Sheik and Vipress. As per the stipulation, Anton Voorhees must join the BOOM Gang after being pinned.
- The EMO Heads Brooke Havok and Daniel Torch defeated Hop Daddy / Kenny K of Da Squaaad and Lost Treasures Joe Desoul, Matt Carlos and Lara Frazier to become Intergalactic Tag Team Champions
- Sawyer Wreck won the Royal Rumble of Ranking Ramifications. She will now face Vipress for the Golden GiG at Wreckoning 11/3 in Vipress’ first Championship defense.