Hosted by Broseph Joe Brody from the Oakland Continental Club
- Hop Daddy defeated Brittany Wonder to retain the GLAMpionship
- EMO Heads Brooke Havok, D-Torch and Brutal Rob defeated Newerer F’n DAWGZ Cereal Man, Jaguar Montoya and Joey Gonzo to retain the Intergalactic Tag Team Champinship
- Kenny K defeated DARK Sheik to become the new Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fannypacks Champion
- Mighty Mayra, Chupacabra, BART-Man and Juice Lee defeated BOOM Gang James C, Anton Voorhees, Ricky Stoner and Scotty Stoner
- Joe DeSoul defeated Alpha Zo
- Vipress defeated Sawyer Wreck to remain She Who Holds the Golden GiG