Hosted by Broseph Joe Brody, Referees Nuk Nuk Johnson and Wiggles, from Oakland Continental Club
- Angel Drugz Bunny defeated DARK Sheik
- Lara Frazier defeated Mighty Mayra, Hop Daddy, Anton Voorhees, Cereal Man and Joe DeSoul in a Six Way Scramble
- Juice Lee defeated El Chupacabra w/Okami after ripping out his heart. The angel of Drugz Bunny would help put it back and bring El Chupacabra back to life.
- Jaguar Montoya v Joey Gonzo with Referee Cereal Man happened and the official winner is the fans
- EMO Heads Brooke Havok/D-Torch/Brutal Rob Hands defeated BOOM Gang James C/Ricky Stoner/Scotty Stoner w/Anton Voorhees to remain Intergalactic Tag Team Champions
- Kenny K defeated Jack Cartwheel to remain Best Athlete in the East Bay Award Double Golden Fannypacks Champion