From Oakland Continental Club, Hosted by Broseph Joe Brody, Referees Wiggles and Nuk Nuk Johnson
- EMOHEADS Stone Cold Brooke Havok, Brutal Emo Rob Hands & Alan Angels defeated LOST TREASURES Joe DeSoul, Matt Carlos & Laura Frazier
- Best Athlete In The East Bay Championship Match Allie Katch (c) defeated Vipress after interference from DARK Sheik backfired…maybe. Afterwards, Vipress walked out on DARK Sheik
- Intergalactic Tag Team Championships Match: Juice Lee & El Chupacabra defeated The Stoner Brothers (Scott Rick Stoner & Rick Scott Stoner) to become the new Champions.
- DARK Sheik defeated Jack Cartwheel after interference from Vipress and Lita. After the match, DARK Sheik and Vipress appeared to reconcile, though nobody really felt comfortable about it.
- Link to the Future Anton Voorhees defeated Lucha Ghoul Sonico
- Fatal Four Way Match For The GLAMpionship: Ultragirl Brittany Wonder (c) defeated AfroPunk Trish Adora, Sandra Moone and MacDaddy M Y L O
- James C vs. Drugz Bunny was declared a no contest after the ring was filled with crashing birds. The Fallen then made their return [ Hollywood Cereal Man, Evil Demon Lil BJ, the unnamed dusky shadow demon, and the unnamed fallen angel referred to as She or Her] The EMO Heads Brooke Havok and Brutally Emo Rob Hands were able to kidnap one of the Fallens flock, the demon dog that killed Robs friend Sweet Boone. It was at the expense of injury to Emo Head Alan Angels. Hoodslammers were able to rescue him from sudden death, but Anton Voorhees had the triangle ripped off his face in bloody consequence. Others were able to retreat with the wounded, but Drugz Bunny chose to fight. Once more The Fallen fatally massacred one of ours when She used our Golden GiG Championship to slit the throat of Drugz Bunny.
rip drugz bunny