Hosted by Sam Laterna and J Rose from Oakland Continental Club:
Joey Gonzo defeated Lara Frazier, Ricky Stoner, James C, Brittany Wonder and Rob Hands in a Six Way Scramble
Viva Van defeated Mighty Mayra to retain the GLAMpionship
D-Torch defeated Jaguar Montoya, who was then compelled to reveal that whoever Brooke Havok was pushed down the well by a woman, but he could not say who.
Allie Katch, DARK Sheik & EFFY defeated Juice Lee, Vipress & Grief Counselor Marco
Captain MYLO defeated BART-Man to retain the Champion Ship
Anton Voorhees defeated Cereal Man
Kenny K defeated 1 Called Manders to retain the Best Athlete in the East Bay Award Double Golden Fannypacks Championship