Oakland, CA – /blue/ from the Continental Club:
hosted by Broseph Joe Brody and Anton Voorhees
Hop Daddy defeated Brittany Wonder to become the GLAMpion
Juice Lee defeated Kenny K, Lara Frazier and FunnyBone in a fatal fourway
James C defeated El Chupacabra and DARK Sheik in a triple threat to gain the prize of booking rights at 10/6/23 Fuck The Fans event
- post match, Ricky and Scott Stoner and James C would be interrupted by Lost Treasures Joe DeSoul and Lara Frazier. A match was made where the Intergalactic Tag Team Championship would be defended vs The Booking rights of FTF.
- Sweetpea performed burlesque
Vipress defeated EFFY
The Federal Bureau of EMOstigations defeated D-Torch and Brutal Rob Hands. FBE member #1 stated she hopes Brooke Havok dies in prison. FBE #2 seemed miffed by this, but there were still dangerous levels of EMO being emitted, and the two arrested Scene-sei D-Torch. Big Brutty sad and alone.
MacDaddy MYLO defeated Alpha Zo to remain Best Athlete in the Eastbay Golden Fannypacks Champion. Da Squaaad members Hop Daddy and Kenny K attempted to attack MYLO and steal her Golden Fannypacks as they did to Brittany Wonder and her GLAMpionship, but Brittany appeared with a chair and hit them with it a lot, saving MYLO from suffering the same fate.
Lost Treasures Joe DeSoul and Lara Frazier defeated BOOM GANG Ricky Stoner and Scotty Stoner to retain the Intergalactic Tag Team Championship and gain the booking rights to 10/6/23 FUCK THE FANS