hosted by Broseph Joe Brody and Anton Voorhees,
Hoodfighter Tournament Quarterfinals:
El Chupacbra defeated Trish Adora…
Ricky Stoner defeated BART-Man..
Cereal Man defeated Matt Carlos…
Brooke Havok defeated Alpha Zo…
Lethal Lotter Tournament 1st Phase: DARK Sheik, Vipress, Joe DeSoul and Richard Shhhnary defeated Hop Daddy, Juice Lee, Brittany Wonder and Scotty Stoner…
Lethal Lottery 2nd Phase: DARK Sheik and Joe DeSoul defeated Vipress and Richard Shhhnary…
Lethal Lottery Final Phase: DARK Sheik defeated Joe DeSoul…
HoodFighter Tournament SemiFinals:
El Chupacabra defeated Cereal Man…
Ricky Stoner received a bye when Brooke Havok was arrested by the Federal Bureau of EMOstigations for emitting dangerous levels of EMO…
Hoodfighter Tournament Finals:
El Chupacabra defeated Ricky Stoner…
James C won the Battle Royal of Supremacy also featuring Lara Frazier, MacDaddy MYLO, Johnny Butabi, Joey Smoak, Joey Gonzo, Brutal Rob Hands, D-Torch and Mighty Mayra