hosted by Broseph Joe Brody
Cereal Man defeated Hop Daddy
Mac Daddy MYLO defeated James C
El Chupacabra/ Juice Lee defeated The Stoner Bros
D-Rogue defeated B-Boy
Captain Johnny Butabi defended the Champion Ship against Thicc Martel
PONG v DARK Sheik fought in a winner take all Memorial Trophy v Golden Gig. Mid match, PONG cashed in his trophy to make the match a triple threat match also involving El Chupacabra, who stormed the ring and attacked DARK Sheik.
PONG defeated DARK Sheik and El Chupacabra to become He Who Holds the Golden GiG.
Anton Voorhees, Doc Atrocity, Richard Shhhnary and Sour Boone debate about what to do regarding the tear in reality caused by sentient atomic bomb that detonated itself at Forbidden BackDoor event . Boone decides to enter the portal and search for his deceased dog. The rest daisy chain and pull him back out, dragging a demon version of lil bj back along with them. Doc and Boone leave, and Anton pins Richard Shhhnary to win the segment.
Vipress won Battle Royal of Supremacy, also featuring Cobra Corey, Bart-Man, DARK Sheik, Doc Atrocity, M Y L O, Kenny K, Alpha Zo, Banana, Brittany Wonder to win the booking rights to Fuck the Fans 2022.